NEW YORK (AP) — A New York City woman was charged with concealing a corpse after officers discovered a man’s head and body parts in her apartment’s refrigerator, officials said Friday.
NEW YORK (AP) — A New York City woman was charged with concealing a corpse after officers discovered a man’s head and body parts in her apartment’s refrigerator, officials said Friday.
NY Daily News is the best major newspaper in the city, and way more details than OP’s article.
Well, this just got less insidious.
Burying the lede for clicks seems to be a major fucking problem with journalism these days.
I mean, not a whole lot. Looks like he was her dealer and the deal went wrong.
“best newspaper in the city”? Buddy the fuck you on?
Gothamist, local section of the times, WNYC if you’re on the radio… Daily news/NY Post? I used em to line my bird’s cages as the shitpaper they are.
What local section of the Times? Maybe 20 years ago.
Dude the dude raped a kid and was a known drug dealer and they just let him prance around like that? This woman did the neighborhood a justice. Wish she wasn’t a weirdo that tried to eat him but like damn, they were just gonna let this dude live his best life out here otherwise it seems like
This is gonna blow your mind but they do let people out of prison eventually.
Yeah but…to prance? It’s the prancing I can’t abide
Footloose was right. Dancing should be illegal.
Convicted pedophile and KNOWN current drug dealer. Let’s just sit back and let him run wild after all he went to prison once! Most people who have been to prison would get their door kicked in if they were a known CURRENT drug dealer. Where I’m from, they’ll kick your door down for that shit. But nope, not here. Let em loose. Crazy
Yes, I got it the first time, you think he should have been executed and aren’t too on board with the whole “rehabilitation” thing.
Plus you hear “drug dealer” and assume he’s selling dirty heroin to teenagers or something and therefore deserves double death, you made this all very clear.
No I think you should monitor the convicted pedophiles and obviously if he was a known current dealer there was a huge problem with that monitoring system. So yeah, let em run loose like that and the neighborhood will probably take care of it
Sweeny Todd vibes
You would dig Iran or rural India.
I dunno man, letting the cannibals eat the pedophiles seems like one of those situations that sort of works itself out. bet the cannibals die young of prion diseases too.
I remember when I was 12.
5 years ago shouldn’t be that hard to remember champ