Russia’s Luna-25 probe likely left a 33-foot-wide crater on the surface of the moon last month when it lost control and crashed down, NASA said Thursday, revealing images that show the suspected impact site.

Russia’s first moon mission in 47 years ended in failure on August 19 when the Luna-25 probe smashed into the moon after a thruster firing went awry, cutting off communications and putting the spacecraft on the wrong orbital path, according to Roscosmos, the Russian space agency.

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft captured images last week of what the U.S. space agency described as a “new crater” after Roscosmos published an estimate of where the probe had struck.

    1 year ago

    Orc Commander: Is to slow! Increase speed to show Americans what we made of!!

    Orc Subordinate: Sir! Is to fast now! Cannot control! Is crashing!

    Orc Commander gets up and straightens his uniform before walking towards a window that has suddenly appeared