Americans’ credit card debt levels have just notched a new, but undesirable, milestone: For the first time ever, they’ve surpassed $1 trillion, according to data released Tuesday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

    2 年前

    I was like you and got screwed by it. That’s the unfortunate part of the system for us. Credit rating isn’t rating of trustworthiness, it’s a rating of likely-to-take-debt/trustworthiness. Never having credit is often “worse” than bad credit. If you ever do try and take out a loan for a car or a house, you will have fewer and more expensive borrowing options.

    The play for people like us is to open exactly 2 sources of credit, use one as autopay for static bills, and automatically pay it every month. Use the other for dynamic expenses, but monitor and pay it off in full whenever it reaches 30% utilization, or 25 days, whichever comes sooner.

    One can get the benefits of credit without actually accruing debt. The way you use your cash/debit, you already don’t spend money you don’t have. Just continue to not spend money you don’t have, but get the benefits of the system. Be a “deadbeat” as they call us. Us deadbeats actively cost the system money by never carrying balances that accrue interest.