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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • 00:00:00 In this section, the video highlights the dire state of Britain’s economy and public services, attributing it to the austerity measures implemented by the government starting in 2010. These measures, introduced by David Cameron, were aimed at reducing government debt, but instead, they have resulted in a decline in education, healthcare, safety, and other essential services. The video explores the reasoning behind austerity, which was to save the British state from the bond markets and stimulate economic growth. However, with rising interest rates and a struggling economy, the policy has seemingly backfired. The debate between Keynesian economists and proponents of expansionary austerity is also discussed, with the latter arguing that reducing government spending could lead to a stronger economy. Ultimately, the video sets the stage to examine how austerity, meant to save Britain, has instead ruined it. 00:05:00 In this section, the excerpt discusses how austerity measures implemented by David Cameron’s government in Britain ultimately led to negative economic outcomes. Despite the theory that reduced government spending would stimulate economic growth, the reality was quite different. The private sector investment remained low, and the economy faltered while countries like the US, which avoided austerity, continued to grow. Government services suffered as a result, including the NHS and education sectors, which were promised protection but now face budget shortages and staff shortages. The failure of expansive austerity can be attributed to the fact that the anticipated investment and consumption boom did not occur, and the jobs created were of low quality, limiting real economic growth. 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker highlights that austerity measures in Britain resulted in a more unequal economy, favoring firms and capital owners over workers. The state’s attempt to make it more efficient led to a shift in employment from frontline personnel to policy consultants, negatively impacting the quality of life. The speaker argues that even sectors believed to be spared from budget cuts, such as the NHS and education, were affected due to population growth and inflation. The overall conclusion drawn is that austerity, in theory, could have saved Britain, but the evidence overwhelmingly shows that it instead ruined the country. The speaker emphasizes the need for nuance in evaluating austerity measures and points out that there are cases where properly implemented austerity could be beneficial, such as in countries like Kuwait. Nonetheless, the damaging effects of austerity on Britain are evident, regardless of one’s political inclination.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the creator discusses the issue of consumerism within the study community online. They clarify that while purchasing study trends and products can be fun and not inherently bad, the problem lies in the promotion of these products without any reasoning behind it. This creates a mindset that students can only be successful if they have the right items and products, which can be exclusionary and misleading. The creator reflects on how the study community has evolved over time, starting with a specific aesthetic on Tumblr and expanding to platforms like YouTube. They acknowledge that while the study community provides helpful advice and resources, it can also be toxic by promoting a culture of comparison and excess consumption. The creator also shares their personal experience of feeling pressured to conform to these trends and accumulate products, eventually realizing that it was not necessary for success. 00:05:00 In this section, the creator discusses the consumerist nature of the StudyTube community. They explain that while they own and showcase various products in their videos, it doesn’t mean they are promoting them as essential for studying. They highlight that creators have a responsibility to be transparent about the products they feature and clarify that not all products are perfect or necessary. The creator also expresses their belief that many StudyTube trends are overrated and may not be available in all countries. They emphasize that the visual aspects and material possessions within the community do not determine one’s success as a student, and that free resources can be just as valuable. They mention that the video is sponsored by Notion, a free organization app that they have been using exclusively for over a year and a half. 00:10:00 In this section, the YouTuber discusses using Notion as a study tool, noting that while some features are limited on the free plan, such as not being able to add new members, users can still share specific pages with classmates and export notes to PDF format. The YouTuber encourages viewers to start using Notion by clicking the provided link, as it supports their channel. They also emphasize that if Notion doesn’t work for them, there are many other alternatives to explore. Lastly, they advise against relying on any one tool as a solution to all study problems, and instead encourage viewers to keep trying and find what works best for them.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the controversial changes that occurred after Audacity was acquired by Muse Group. These changes included the introduction of Telemetry, which raised concerns among the free and open-source software community. However, the speaker reassures viewers that the current privacy policy only includes minimal Telemetry such as update checking and error reporting, which can be easily disabled. Additionally, Audacity no longer sends data to Google and Yandex for analytics and has removed the clause about sharing data with law enforcement. Overall, the speaker concludes that there is no need to worry about Audacity being spyware and that the software is safe to use. 00:05:00 In this section, it is mentioned that the pushback from the community against the planned changes for Audacity has had an effect, with certain changes, such as telemetry, being scrapped. However, one concern that remains is the Contributor License Agreement (CLA), which requires anyone contributing code to Audacity to sign a legal document. While the Muse Group, the new owner of Audacity, has stated that it will keep Audacity free and open source, the CLA gives them the power to potentially repackage the code as a proprietary application in the future. Despite this, for end users, there may not be much cause for worry. The section also highlights some improvements made to Audacity since the acquisition, including the ability to drag elements with the mouse, non-destructive editing, support for VST3 plugins, and a few interface changes. Additionally, while there have been several forks of Audacity, most of them are no longer active, with Tenacity being one of the few that is still actively updated. 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the current state of Audacity and its forks, specifically Tenacity. Tenacity has had a turbulent development history, with the original maintainer stepping down due to receiving death threats. The previous maintainer of Sawstacity is now in charge of Tenacity, which is considered to be the most prominent fork. However, Tenacity is still in beta and may contain bugs and possible data loss, so the speaker does not recommend using it full-time. Additionally, Tenacity is lacking some of the new features that have been added to Audacity. In conclusion, the speaker suggests sticking with Audacity as it is currently in good hands and is a reliable choice for audio editing

  • silicon is really inefficient: too much power wasted in form of heat (Joule effect), on the other hand, quantum computing functions in absolute zero conditions, so no inefficiencies. in a perfect world, one would outsource all its calculations to a quantum instance, but the thing is too costly and centralized; if everyone could afford low latency internet our phones wouldn’t require cpus and gpus, instead we could run them on a quantum computer, but since its too centralized, the issue of privacy would prevail. Would be nice if we had quantum instances scattered around, like lemmy instances, but donations won’t probably cut it to cover costs, so we r stuck with sand computers for now

  • the video explores different processing units used in computers. GPUs are essential for tasks like rendering graphics and training deep learning models. TPUs, on the other hand, are designed specifically for tensor operations required in deep learning and can save significant time and cost when training models. DPUs, or data processing units, are optimized for moving and processing large amounts of data in Big Data Centers, relieving the CPU from such tasks. Finally, there is the potential for the development of QPUs, or quantum processing units, which operate using qubits instead of classical bits and have the potential to revolutionize computing with their ability to handle complex algorithms exponentially faster. However, the threat they pose to encryption and security is also a concern.

  • idk man: french shoppers go to german border towns for affordable goods. german ones go to poland for shopping, kinda one man’s trash is another man’s treasure situation. also this shows that salaries aren’t enough in germany cause of greedy german business owners especially the ones who got fatter from putin’s imported oil from india: business never stopped and they racked up the usual profits, killing ukrainians and impoverishing germans in the process.