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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • How very compassionate of you.

    So that’s your compassion? Ignore others around you hey. Makes sense.

    because it makes it far easier to manipulate them

    Oh this is hilarious, do tell, how I manipulate an entire countries statistics on suicide over time!

    and get the opinions of an institute dedicated to suicide prevention

    They’re absolutely right, as a generalization. Does it stop the result when access was taken away specifically for Guns. The statistics clearly show means changed over time and did the rate reduce? No. That rope lobby is looking mighty dangerous now. You better get on the case.

    women are just doing it for attention

    Is that what I said? Don’t worry, I don’t just make baseless claims or tell you to just google something that doesn’t exist. Suicide rate is 3 times higher for males, after all this is the topic with Guns.

    higher rate of suicide among Australian males are that males tend to choose more lethal methods of suicide such as hanging (60% of male suicides), poisoning, including by car exhaust (11%), and firearms (8%). (Australian Psychological Society)

    men have a greater tendency to not recognize or respond to their own negative emotions or distress, which may result in more chronic and severe emotional responses to adverse life events (Goldney et al., 2002)

    Men are less inclined to communicate feelings of despair or hopelessness, and are more likely to present a stoic attitude towards misfortune (Howerton et al., 2007; Witte et al., 2012)

    have fewer social connections (Denney et al 2009)

    Differences in help seeking between men and women are additional contributing factors. Men tend not to seek help for emotional difficulties, often feeling that help-seeking is a weakness or failure and preferring to solve problems on their own, without being a burden on others (Emslie et al 2006)

    That’s the opinion of a complete cunt,

    Don’t worry you do enough gas lighting and straw-manning for everyone. At this point its assured you’re lobbying for big oil.

  • The gendering in the title has nothing to do with anything

    Ill give you a hint, its in the title of OP’s post.

    you havent been nearly upset by people failing to laser focus on that adjective

    no denying, suicide rate in the elderly is highest.

    find a mountain of evidence without me spoonfeeding each result to you.

    just google it

    The fact that you’re insisting that means reduction doesn’t work


    Taking away access to guns doesn’t no. My point is supported by the fact that taking away guns from the population of Australia resulted in NO reduction in suicide. None comparing the 20 years before to the 20 years after. You can’t twist that. Its a matter of fact it increased overall and dominant means changed.

    What happened when means reduction wed implemented for more common methods like jumping?

    Nice straw-man.

    factually inaccurate as everything else you’ve argued.

    Yet I am the only one who has shown clear evidence to support it while your baseless opinion and generations continues to entertain.

  • Oh look you’ve brought genitals into it here too,

    Ill help you out since you cant read. The title of this post is:

    “Suicide rates in the US are highest among elderly men, and most involve guns, CDC report says”

    among elderly men


    I’m not the one arguing against evidence based suicide prevention

    The only “evidence” you have provided is baseless claims. The facts I have provided are clear an unambiguous. Banning guns in Australia made no difference to suicide.


    and is eclipsed by hangings.

    To put it bluntly you seem like a bot rambling on without understanding the title of a post let alone content.

    like they’re women’s fault

    Good luck with that.

  • To preface for others, I have placed some of the more triggering parts of this discussion behind the spoiler tags so others reading can avoid the more sensitive part of these discussions.

    I probably should have said “many suicides are an impulse”

    You should not have over stated the minority. I understand, anything to further your political rhetoric.

    It remains one of the most effective methods of suicide prevention

    And yet the suicide statistics CLEARLY show it made NO difference for Australia, none.


    Better ban rope now, hangings now dwarf suicide by guns as the leading cause.

    Clearly you can’t even be bothered reading the statistics, not a study, statistics. If you had bothered to read the statistics of means over time, it clearly shows the volume has only increased over 5 decades and the means has drastically changed. The change in access made, NO difference in the outcome.

    So you’re saying that men have greater access to some kind of “means”.

    That was a typo on my part which you can clearly see if you read the two sentences together. Not means; intent. Absolutely men have far more intent then women. Pick any study, the conclusion is the same: intent.

    I’m the one advocating that we take steps to reduce the suicide rate, using repeatedly proven strategies.

    repeatedly proven strategies.

    That baseless claim at it again. Its statistics show the exact opposite.

    pro-gun commenters that you seemingly agree with

    No. I’m disagreeing with political bots like yourself “PoliticalAgiotator” wedging an agenda to benefit your politics. Its disingenuous garbage. I’m keeping my politics out of it, I find it weird how uncontrolled guns are in the US however I am not deluded by how little of an impact it has had here. It detracts from real discussion to address the real cause.

    I even did it without bringing gender into it,

    didn’t stop you from seeing the words “women” and “suicide” used in the same post and twisting it

    The delusion is pretty bad for you. You have not read the post title, let alone the article or even the statistics I provided. Welcome to the conversation, or is that the point: to derail and not contribute.

    Yep, I see the statistics

    For some strange reason, I highly doubt you read anything at all.

    1. social studies isn’t a fucking college level course, you talking about sociology?

    Depending on where you live it is college or ts university, first year

    1. how do you even measure “acting on it” more often? I’ve read several things that said that women attempt suicide more often than men, but men more often “succeed”… Largely because of the means they choose

    Death, well established and not studied enough

    1. guns don’t cause suicide depression does is the same shitty argument that assholes like you have with guns don’t kill people, people kill people

    Its sad how obsessed you are with guns, really sad

    Fact America is not in the top 20 countries for suicide. I would like to think because its quality of life, but like all things its more nuanced.

    Guns don’t cause suicide, depression (the big killer) results in suicide and its causes are many. Access to suicidal means may help with a little bit of time sometimes; best case scenario. However if the cause is never addressed the end result will always be the same so just conflating the issue and the cycle continues on.


    Australia got rid of guns in 1996.

    The only person fetishizing guns and suicide is you! Stop wedging the desperate to your disingenuous cause,.