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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Ehhh, not so much. Honestly the rating for carcinogenic substances is very shaky and can be very misleading. Like many things, poison depends on the dose and the same with carcinogens. Bacon is a group 1 carcinogen, and cigarettes are a group 1 carcinogen. Despite the same rating, cigarettes are BY FAR much more carcinogenic.

    For group 2b “possible carcinogens”, it usually coincides with the frequency of the product. For this rating they review what a cancer victim typically eats/consumes/interacts with. Aspartame and many other ingredients, are labeled as possibly carcinogenic, as many victims have eaten them, but there is no strong correlation.

    The problem is however, many of these ingredients are so common that almost everybody eats them. It’s like saying “everybody who drinks water dies, it’s poisonous!”.

  • I’ve got to say, before the chemicals, use a bench scraper. Almost no matter what you spray, hard crusty crap is gonna remain hard and crusty, it’s best to scrape everything off and into the trash, then whip the chems out (I use isopropyl alcohol).

    Make sure to use a scraper softer than the material of your counter top, or intentionally dull your scraper. Some countertops have plastic vinyl meant to look like stone and those will be marred very easily by a steel scraper.

    Unrelated not, sharpen your wood spatulas with a knife, makes scraping pans 10x easier and 10x easier to clean.

  • “back then” the US only had a population of 200 million compared to today’s 330 million, and a massive labour demand since very few products were imported (contrast to Chinese made goods today). Now there’s either a shortage of everything or programs being stretched razor thin.

    Food, housing, electricity, gas, rent and many other bills are extremely expensive. Our schooling, colleges, shelters public infrastructure, roads, hospitals are at constant maximum or above capacity.

    We have got to help ourselves before we help others, the average American is already being crushed under the weight and costs of the modern day. Adding millions more mouths to feed and house isn’t going to help the situation.

  • 1 The middle income trap. Many countries used their cheap uneducated population as an opportunity for cheap labour, for large companies. This brings lots of capital to the country and people, and the country develops. Building more schools, infrastructure etc. but as a country develops, pay increases for workers, and suddenly their labour is no longer cheap. Their country’s economy is now effectively stuck.

    2 Conflict and instability. Investors don’t want to pour money into a country where it might have a coup, leadership change, etc. They don’t want to lose what they invest, since these events usually result in lots of private property being taken or destroyed. This fact leaves a lot of countries in a catch 22. They need investment to stabilize, but need to stabilize to gain investment.

    A lot of countries are also unstable because of badly drawn borders. This often leaves a lot of ethnic tensions that continue to boil away indefinitely. Sometimes the borders give a country horrible geography and incentivise them to invade their neighbors.

    One example would be that country #1 is downstream of a major river, behind country #2 and #3. Country #2 and 3 use a lot of the water and there is none left for country #1 and their only option is to invade.

    The final and probably most common reason is that dictators don’t care about prosperity, and that dictators lead to more dictators. Far more often than not, coups lead to another, worse dictator, focused on holding power than their country’s success.

    The reason that south Korea and Taiwan are successful and democratic today are because they rolled the 1/1000 chance on a benevolent dictator that WILLINGLY steered the country into democracy and genuinely improved the economy.

  • In terms of ui and apps it’s perfect because I was using boost for reddit and now using boost for Lemmy and it’s nearly identical.

    Definitely agree that there’s not much content, or at least much variety. Pretty much all I see is news, nauseating amount of memes and communists, frankly not much thought provoking content honestly. I’m really wishing for the hobby subs to grow, after that I’d be way more active.

  • This happens all the time

    Some rich girl with lawyer parents accused me of making a death threat. I was suspended for a day.

    Schools don’t give a shit, they are so damn paranoid that any accusation is true and any mention of the word “gun” or “knife” is immediately disciplined.

    Sometimes I feel like it’s a self fulfilling prophecy. The stereotypical weird quiet kid gets bullied for being a “school shooter”, the school either disciplines him or treats him like one (checking their bag every morning and snooping through their phone and online activity) and the kid is totally isolated because there’s zero sympathy for him. Everyone bullies him and the school treats him as a threat. You can only pressure a being so much before they lash out.

    I would know cause that was pretty much me until I dropped out.