“press X to doubt”
> you deserve to die because of bad things (a) parent(s) do(es)
in my understanding, relying on wiki for definitions:
communism is stateless moneyless propertyless religionless classless society where there is the common ownership or non-ownership of the means of production
socialism in theory wants to prioritize the value of labor and seeks to have the common social democratic ownership of the means of production
amprim go brrr
I think sometimes it’s the extreme dependence that makes the attempt at off the grid freedom seem more attractive; it’s weird how the technology seems to both take away so much freedom and yet make people feel independent at the same time
> a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time
> dogma : a fixed, especially religious, belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without any doubts
looks like Francis is wrong, and not a Catholic nor a pope