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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • No, they cannot. I hope someone gives you a more in depth answer because I’m very sleepy. Socially, just because a state votes red doesn’t mean that everyone there is awful. It would not be fair to those citizens.

    I do believe that texas has the right to secede. It won’t happen, but it was part of the bargin to rejoin after the Civil War.

  • I read some bickering about this amongst conservatives, and the reasoning seems to be:

    1. Conception should occur from sex because of the love between husband, wife, and God or something

    2. Typically, they’ll harvest(?) multiple embryos, check if they are viable or have genetic abnormalities, then discard those that aren’t viable or will result in major disabilities. To them, this is killing those unviable/unhealthy “babies”. Sometimes the couple will freeze multiple embryos as backups, but not need them after a successful pregnancy (or more). Those microscopic globs of cells that they call babies are then “murdered”. Their point is that this results in more deaths than lives.

    I’m curious what their opinion would be if a woman wanted IVF after 5 miscarriages, was unable to get the treatment, and went on to have 7 more miscarriages, still without having a successful birth. To be real, fundie couples who refuse contraceptives and are hell bent on having a child could go through many more miscarriages than that.

  • Education is the obvious fix, but at least in America, the idiots are trying to destroy it. If people learned critical thinking, almost everything else would fall into place. If we stopped reinforcing learned helplessness and made people practice logic and learn consequences, society would see a huge benefit. People need to be held accountable for their ignorance. Otherwise, they won’t learn. Those who refuse to learn should rightfully be shunned, because they’re the biggest propaganda weapon out there.

    Cognitive dissonance is another major reason for idiocracy. The MAGAts are so blatant about their love for it. “Wokeness” is healing from cognitive dissonance, which they’ve labeled as a virus.

    I’m sympathetic and offer to help someone if they’re being a bit stupid (all of us have our moments), but if they refuse, that’s where they should be held accountable.

  • Christianity, racism and corruption. Politicians love to target poor people, and prostitution is a job that often draws in the desperate. Conveniently, POC make up a large percentage of the impoverished population.

    Sex trafficking is out of control in the US, yet it’s never talked about by politicians. Even with Epstein, the focus was on how terrible he and his accomplices were, not on the actual problem. Not the thousands of other women and girls who are still being trafficked in the US. Legalizing prostitution is pretty much the only answer.

  • Check out other Assassin’s Creed games! I agree that Red Dead Redemption is anther good suggestion. I suggest the first one as well. Maybe Fable? The second one was my favorite, but people rave about the first one as well. I didn’t play the first one until I didn’t have as much time to game.

    This might be a miss, but the Sims can be insane with mods. You can cheat their needs and not worry about those. Sims 3 is open world and the best of the series, but I’m not as familiar with the mods available for it. There are Sims 4 mods that introduce murder (guns and knives provided of course), drugs and gangs, zombies, prostitution, murderous toddlers, and much more that I can’t think of right now.

    Modders are fucking lunatics when it comes to the Sims. Someone made a mod for Sims 3 where you could grill and eat a baby. EA stepped in to shut that down…

  • Medicine does not prolong the healing process. The only “beneficial” side effect is the fever, but there isn’t hard evidence that it’s better or worse to bring down a fever (unless you hit 102°F or higher). If you choose to let your body do its thing and burn down the house, just avoid acetaminophen (Tylenol).

    Colds often take up to a week or more to pass, so there’s a chance that you won’t be better in 3 days.

    Vitamin C and vitamin D3 are also good for your immune system.