99% of the time I just tap the letters but maybe once in a blue moon I swipe in something. I’m closing in on 50 so it’s probably just me being old
And think of me when everything you wanted starts to end.
99% of the time I just tap the letters but maybe once in a blue moon I swipe in something. I’m closing in on 50 so it’s probably just me being old
L33t hax0r
Disgusting. These executives shouldn’t be able to collect any bonus once they have a bankruptcy filing. This is about as ugly as capitalism gets.
They probably all tried to be the loudest while looking around and taking notes on who isn’t participating enough.
The Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks has forecast auroral activity on Thursday in Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Indiana, Maine and Maryland.
I worked at a grocery store and the old timer who trained me in the produce section said that all you needed to find the best watermelon was learn how to give it a slap and if it sounds like a basketball that’s a good watermelon. Learning the slap takes some practice but when you do it right, you’ll know.
Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie
His character saved that movie without a doubt