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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


    1. Nothing you posted actually addressed my question. (“Why do you think it’s reasonable to assume people probably can’t get kicked out of their apartments?”) There is no jurisdiction with a longer notice period than 30 days for nonpayment of rent. Given that this thread is about Americans struggling with debts, your various complaints about “renovictions” and “mom and pops” as you’re calling them are some nice straw men. We’re talking about people being unable to afford rent here, and small-time landlords, while certainly not perfect, are equally if not more likely to display some humanity and actually work with someone who is struggling financially.

    2. It’s indirect because you likely knew you’d be ridiculed for praising soulless corporate landlords directly, so you chose to focus on how much worse “mom and pops” are instead and make your (irrelevant) point implicit. Or maybe you had some bad experiences with independent landlords and derailed yourself ranting about that before you could actually address the question?

    3. Back to the actual topic, it’s real hilarious that your proposed solution to your own hypothetical is “just file bankruptcy and keep your car/primary residence”, you don’t HAVE a primary residence to keep if you’re a renter. Bankruptcy proceedings also cost time and money that someone who is already struggling with rent probably doesn’t have…

    One could be very generous and say that you just don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, but I think you’re just trolling tbh. Or way too high to be posting about serious topics.

  • you have an apartment you probably can’t be kicked out of.

    Mind expanding on why you think this is a reasonable assumption? There was an eviction moratorium at the height of the pandemic, but that has been over for more than two years now. The required notice period for an eviction varies with jurisdiction, but generally isn’t more than a month or two, and if you try to drag it out a little further by refusing to vacate and forcing them to take you to court, having an eviction on your credit report makes looking for future rental accommodations Super Hell™.

  • Well most replies already suggested a LLM but good old fashioned search skills work fine too.

    For simple questions, as long as you know the correct terminology that is relevant, just asking the question of a search engine is usually good enough to turn up articles or stack overflow answers that’ll help

    If you don’t know the terminology or you struggle to ask a precise question despite your knowledge, going up one level , so to speak, and consuming more information about the stuff in the immediate context, can often either fill in the gaps to allow you to ask the right question, or sometimes it’s the missing bit of info you didn’t know you needed to solve your actual problem.