Generally I don’t buy anything else other than Phillips. They’re usually bulletproof if you don’t get the smart bulbs. I’ve not had a Phillips fail in ~10 years. But that’s a sample size of like 30 or so bulbs.
Generally I don’t buy anything else other than Phillips. They’re usually bulletproof if you don’t get the smart bulbs. I’ve not had a Phillips fail in ~10 years. But that’s a sample size of like 30 or so bulbs.
Yep. When I moved into my house the previous owner had used all garbage Walmart LED’s. I think I had one fail each month and just bought a bunch on sale from Phillips eventually.
Most common failure was the driver. So they turned into strobe lights lol. Most annoying failure ever.
And more importantly, not every LED is dimmer compatible. Sometimes they’re super picky or just plain don’t work.
Is that why I can find some brands in Colorado and not in Michigan? Or are there just really that many brands?
Soft plaque forms like the other comment said from bacteria excrement.
It then hardens and becomes impossible for a regular brush to get rid of within 24ish hours. It’s why you should get regular cleanings and brush twice a day. And floss.
Definitely heat, and a design to handle it. Ford has an issue with some Mach-E’s that the power junction would weld itself shut if you used the DC fast charger and floored the car shortly after. Once that happened it bricks the car and you gotta replace the part.
They also don’t seem to have many standards either. Specs and reviews I’ve seen seem to jump generations within a few months. I think my favorite ridiculous spec was the ability to use two fast chargers (one on either side of the car since it has two plugs) to pump some 300 miles in 5-10 minutes. It’s wild to read about the stuff they’re doing.
So I guess even church run food banks are too communist.
Unfortunately not! I’m nowhere near as active here as I was on Reddit. Also, I haven’t really looked either! If there’s one I can latch onto, I can certainly pump some info every now and again.
No hate here! Music is super subjective. And that era of punk is…….somewhat an acquired taste haha.
Green River, U-Men, Gas Huffer, Skin Yard, TAD……so many great bands and too many to name. Of course everyone remembers the big 4, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam and Nirvana. But they weren’t what defined the scene. Maybe the early releases, but the mainstream albums hit for a reason. I still like it all though.
I’m that weird guy that still buys cassette tapes from Sub Pop haha.
If you get a chance and want to dive into it, then book by Mark Yarm (no relation to Mark Arm lol) called “Everyone loves our town, the oral history of grunge” is super wild. The guy basically interviewed everyone from the U-Men to producers and managers.
Astroneer, Raft, and if you like mindless indie stuff Generation Zero.
Remnant 1 & 2 if you like souls type third person shooters.
Dungeon of the Endless and the new version Endless Dungeon.
Matt Lukin and all the guys from Mudhoney are still there. So is Krist Novoselic. He even holds political office currently I think.
Jack Endino still runs a recording studio, although I think he doesn’t produce as much as he used to.
Norfolk is taking on debt with the McArthur and Military Circle Mall acquisition and are desperate for cash flow. Especially since O’conner vacated recently.
Damn that is literally all they post
It’s crazy he was only just elected in march.
Yikes the more you read down the article the more of a hole Bungie seems to dig.
It allegedly just shuts off and hits the brakes when top speed is hit lmao. Causing it to eject its rider.
Bold of you to assume he’ll survive captivity.
I’ve used them for a while too. Sometimes they’ll have weird keys super cheap. Like I was able to grab Dark Souls 3 + both DLC’s for like $16 or something way back when.