Since I started to watch Uzumaki (anime adaptation) I see spirals everywhere with an unsettling vibe every time…
The entity formerly known as Quantum Device trying to swim the fediverse…
Since I started to watch Uzumaki (anime adaptation) I see spirals everywhere with an unsettling vibe every time…
Since I started to watch Uzumaki (anime adaptation) I see spirals everywhere with an unsettling vibe every time…
“To shoehorn something” is a literal common expression in Spanish, lately often used to indicate a deliberated misdirection of a debate into a different argument at the minimum occasion (usually via any fallacy)… and there are even shoehorns literally with long sticks for the elders…
Current reddit is not like “reddit” anymore for a while… nothing is forever
Well, is not like I can really chose what I “like” (my standards) beyond a certain point, most of mine at least are not a rational decision, I do not feel like I can really force me into tastes…
“celibate by virtue of my own standards” … I was not aware I belonged to a club which viral acronym does not exist yet
To the many comments, and my concerns to the tolerance of certain things, I would like to add that many people cannot efficiently nor autonomously handle (most or some of) their own frustrations and decide to vent them out in many ways, like throwing them to others, like when a simple cashier burdens a customer’s frustration for a (fair or unfair) complain, and littering is another way to do it, screwing “the systemic unfair world” or just looking to impact it in some way or another if they cannot handle a strong feeling of irrelevance. Consciously or not, is a coping mechanism that some people will use, while sometimes is something normalised to the point to be unconscious (people threshold for or concept of cleanness varies a lot).
From the wiki editor’s note in the last link:
“In a company, an organization of the Communist Party of China shall be established to carry out the activities of the Party in accordance with the charter of the Communist Party of China. The company shall provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the Party organization.”
Sounds like something all companies must comply in China.
I am caucasian, get sun burnt easily… I left the emojis (faces) its Simpson color (are there other?) but hands… I cannot stand the cirrhotic yellow hands/arms, and need to switch their color at first occasion… I also tend to select black hair people though I am slightly brown… and many caucasian friends of mine use black hands… so I would say that in my environment your hypothesis is rather a background underfluctuation than a potential valid one…
Good bot!
The true wealthy have yachts with heli-pad…
I don’t care, I just want a nice place to wander, nothing is forever, but the longer, the better, regardless of popularity