Blame Hamas. Just like we blame Nazis for the deaths of innocent Germans, or Japanese government for the deaths of innocent Japanese people. Innocents die at wars, and we should blame the starters of the wars, not defenders
Blame Hamas. Just like we blame Nazis for the deaths of innocent Germans, or Japanese government for the deaths of innocent Japanese people. Innocents die at wars, and we should blame the starters of the wars, not defenders
Got it. Thanks.
Wonder why though
What’s the point? They will ban that in 10 minutes too
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So Holocaust is not a tragedy? That’s what you’re saying?
I constantly run out of mana, preventing me from spamming my main spells and enjoying playing as a Sorc
Couldn’t agree more. Problem is when I have mana and my CDs available, my damage output is insanely high. But once I’m out of mana and CDs are off, I just walk around like an idiot lol. My build takes out basic spell too so I literally have nothing else to do but walk around. It needs a rebalance, I don’t want to have such high burst dps but a more constant gameplay with stable dps output.
Russia is in a horrible shape, all neighbors should considering attacking and grabbing a piece of land and destroying the big bear once and for all
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