At times, I’ve also juggled (in addition to vim and tmux) hotkeys for my current tiling WM of choice and extra hotkeys to swap between machines via barrier. I’m not sure how I’m able remember what I had for breakfast, much less someone’s name.
Me, either.
Well, KaliDOS instead of Xbox, but still…
Real nerds use Ctrl [ instead so they don’t leave home row.
The only thing that’s halted my rampant use of vim is… Neovim.
I do it all the time. 🤪
I can navigate and organize my own notes 10 times faster than if I used most alternatives, especially with plugins like Neorg that support visually distinct markup output via concealer configs. There’s even a presentation mode.
This. Esc, then b. Or if you’re a stickler for keeping you hands on home row, Ctrl [ does the trick as well. Bonus points for making that more comfortable via a remapping of Caps Lock to control (or swapping the two).
I’m right there with you. Never stop flying.