There’s human fossils where it’s clear they poured molten bronze or something into a mans skull to patch the broken bone. Using metals to mend bones has been a practice since ever basically.
There’s human fossils where it’s clear they poured molten bronze or something into a mans skull to patch the broken bone. Using metals to mend bones has been a practice since ever basically.
Words of wisdom right here.
Personally, what bothers me about the security field is how quickly it becomes a counterproductive thing. Either by forcing people to keep working on time consuming processes like certifications or mitigation work (e.g. see the state of CVEs in the linux kernel) or simply by pumping out more and more engineers that have never put together a working solution in their lives. Building anything of value is already hard as it is nowadays.
Yes, and it was my first job out of university. Incredible. It has set the standard for me. Everyone extremely polite, restrained, no oversharing, no politics discussions in the office, no drama. People would just gravitate towards those that shared their views and would have coffee breaks at different times than other groups. Everyone was painfully aware of how bad these things can get, so we all made an effort to keep the environment light.
Good, write another one of these in a couple of months instead of stalking her and you’re set.
But really, you’re young, that’s how these things go. Don’t overthink it.
Such as?