I moved from Wisconsin a decade ago and I still get political shit from their parties. If there’sa good answer for this I hope you get it, I think this is just my life now.
I moved from Wisconsin a decade ago and I still get political shit from their parties. If there’sa good answer for this I hope you get it, I think this is just my life now.
If you have an m.2 slot, 2tb drives are cheap and don’t worry about it for a while
Edited: I originally absent mindedly said 2gb, meaning 2tb
To be clear, rent is usually one value for however many humans will be living there, but everywhere has different rules for pets. For the most part you’re restricted to one or two dogs specifically if they’re allowed at all. Some places will charge the same for one or more, some will charge more for 2. It’s really variable. But with RealPage leading the way with the largest rental management companies, is getting pretty unified and difficult to not get fucked over by.
Smaller pets like fish or hamsters usually aren’t mentioned or charged for though that I’ve seen.
It’s exactly what it sounds like. Extra bullshit monthly rent tacked onto the regular rent in addition to a usually non-refundable pet deposit at time of move in or pet adoption.
Basically you’re a money faucet in the US, and wide open if you have pets or kids
What I recognized as “brain shocks” when I was taking generic escitalipram (Lexapro) would be a feeling sort of like a short circuit in my brain for a quick flash of a moment. Like another commenter said, quick movements of my eyes or head could cause it. It was quick, and non lingering, but could happen frequently. Just a little bzzt! In the brain with a little visual stutter. It didn’t hurt but it was disconcerting until I realized it was normal when missing or cutting down doses. Sounds like it can happen for some people on the normal dose but that wasn’t an issue for me.
Guarantee that A) it doesn’t taste just like real butter, and B) it’ll make you shit yourself and bring a return of the label “may cause anal leakage”.
Does that mean it’s not a potentially viable product? No, it doesn’t. But let’s not bullshit.
I think you’ve got part of it right from my recollection and experiences, but not quite the full thing. I think Obama’s success actually lead shitty people to lash out more, which brought trump to power, which emboldened those shitty people to stop hiding it and actually be proud and display it. I think the racism and shittiness was always there but people kept more of a lid on it. We just aren’t able to pretend it isn’t who we are more broadly anymore.
I mean, you said it yourself and I went and checked. On March 7, there was a us embassy alert to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours. Wouldn’t be much to check it out before executing and replan.
And not just that, but it’s disingenuous. There’s no real interest here in an answer, it’s just intended to provoke interaction. Even all but the most overt, direct, owning it racists will claim racism is bad, regardless of their own actions and tendencies. Bad post is bad.
Edited to add: I feel like this community should be interpreted as having an implied “genuine” to it regarding the questions involved.
I did flu, COVID, and Tdap this year at the same time since I can’t remember the last time I got a tetanus booster. Would make sense to have a combo shot. I’m not paranoid about vaccines, so if I’m getting one, I may as well get the other.
That triple shot combo was a motherfucker though for the next two days after.
The NHL forgot 70% of their players are under the age of 30 when they made the policy. Of course there’d be players forcing the issue.
“as it’s called” or “as they’re called”? It’s a bit wordier but I think conveys the meaning you’re going for without the negative connotation. I also think context should usually direct a reader/listener to or from any negative connotation for the “so called” usage. That said, it doesn’t hurt to be clearer.
Yeah, specifying “base salary” seems pretty disingenuous. It’s all about the add-ons.
I had to double check that my boozed up vision didn’t loose a couple zeros. Fuck CEOs across the board, hell, “C-suite” in general, but 1.5m is about the lowest I’ve heard for a CEO.
That said, their decisions are generally the real reason to hate on the Cs. The gap in pay is the hate cherry on top.
Edit: I’m reminded that base salary is a pretty lame comparator after reading another comment. Total compensation package is worth taking about.
You basically described the other half of me right here. I waffle back and forth between your view and trying to do something about it. I go back to feeling it’s futile and doesn’t matter anyway, before getting fed up with targeted ads again. Wash, rinse, repeat.
This is just my opinion, but I don’t think so. I love the thought and wish there was, though. I think no matter what you do, it’s still information about a potential user/customer and still tells someone looking at it about you. “Oh, we have information on about 4% of the population that wants to actively subvert our data analytics.”. Obviously that’s made up, I didn’t bother trying to even guess what a potentially realistic number might be.
Again in my opinion, the only way to provide no value to data analytics is to not be a data point, and good luck with that. Best I’ve been trying to do is disable targeted ads anywhere I can, reset my identifier ids regularly on things like android tv where I can, and try to blast cookies anywhere possible. I don’t know if it even makes a difference or just makes me feel better
Broken clocks something something
You beat me by the time it took to verify I had the quote right.
I just looked myself up in the voter registrations and it seems I’m already unregistered after being gone so long. Must just be residual contact lists I need to keep responding stop to, it has slowed down. Thank you for the suggestion