• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I don’t know how you read my comment and concluded that I approve racism or homofobia. It’s these kind of comments that push people away.

    Vegan and non vegans are are at the opposite extremes. One only eats meat, the other never eats meat. You can’t insult people into your way. No one wants to have a conversation with you when you just randomly accuse them of homofobia. In your future attempt try going easier and with baby steps. People are more likely to stop eating meat if they take it one step at a time. This ridiculous expectation that someone must change their lifestyle over night or they’re racists… This isn’t the way, statistically speaking. But alas, this is a pointless discussion because you already know this and just want to fight with a stranger on the internet. Have a nice day.

  • In my previous company we had a dot net + Microsoft SQL server stack. The code base was admittedly really really bad but those .NET Web Forms were horrendous to work with. C# in general felt very close to Java at the time, except for the LINQ queries I guess.

    I’m sure that, like PHP, the technology has come a long way and things are better and more modern right now. This was before Nugget was even a thing! Regardless, I feel like those chapters in my life are finished. I’d rather try something actually new to me!