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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • According to the article, quoted.

    Access zones are in place at K-12 schools, and police can arrest or issue tickets to anyone found impeding access, disrupting or interfering with educational activities, or attempting to intimidate an individual within 20 metres (66 feet) of school property,” the province said in a release. Unquoted now…

    What part of that is bad? Nothing says people can’t protest but no one should interfere with kid’s education. Doesn’t say people can’t protest, but they can’t disrupt people who go in there is all which seems fair.

    Edit: forgot to say I can be a bit dense and not realize things so if I’m missing a glaring fact or angle of this please do inform me.

  • How do you find which one you want with 150 open? Genuinely curious is all, I’m old and mostly use PC and can type quick enough to find what I want if I know which site (wikis for games and such). If I had to scroll through 150 tabs I’d spend half the time looking through a list so wonder how it helps to have that many open. Or maybe I just don’t read fast enough to scroll well.

  • orbitz@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlWorst is UTC vs GMT
    3 months ago

    Not if the place doesn’t do daylight savings time, and not all places in a timezone will do that (least in North America) so you need extra code if they do or do not. It becomes a pain after awhile when you do it in multiple projects. Technically one extra setting but it’s still a pain to make sure it’s handle properly in all cases, especially when the previous programmer decided to handle it for each case individually, but that’s a different issue.

    Also when you deal with the times, say in .Net you gotta make sure it’s the proper kind of date otherwise it decides it’s a local system date and will change it to system local when run. Sure it’s all handled but there are many easy mistakes to make when working with time.

    I probably didn’t even get to the real reason, I sort of picked this up on my own.

  • First year programming in the late 90s … segmentation fault? I put printfs everywhere. Heh. You’d still get faults before the prints happened, such a pain to debug while learning. Though we weren’t really taught your point of the comment at the time.

    Least that was my experience on an AIX system not sure if that was general or not, the crash before a print I mean.

  • Going back awhile now too for that no install right? Like didn’t PS3 have some installs? My memory is fuzzy on when it exactly started, but yeah it was nice to just pop in the media (cart, disc) and play. That was a great perk of console games, especially rentals,though there was a small time I could rent PC games when I moved to a city in the late 90s. These days I mostly play on PC anyways so always install but it was nice for the first few decades of my gaming to not require it.

  • Software devs and designers usually fall under IT is my understanding but I can see why many people/places would make the distinction. Especially for companies that only write software, their IT would more be the infrastructure, but if they’re only writing software for in house use that’s more on the IT side. I could be completely wrong about this too, just how I saw them grouped.

  • Would it be that complicated if people knew the lunar cycle, especially since the lunar cycle is fairly static? Not everyone I’m sure but those that needed a better time would probably understand and pass that knowledge along for the night folk. Of course depends when in technology we’re talking but I’d assume we humans understood those cycles pretty early for our survival, not in depth but they got the idea the lunar cycle didn’t change like the seasons did and adjust as needed. I haven’t read up on it so I’ll be glad to hear more info.

  • Yeah I’ve had it in my library for awhile, played a handful of hours and ended up being off today so thought why not? Can’t get to online mode, I always figured I’d do online mode when it was released. A shame but it happens. Granted I tried right after I could download it so probably not the best time but I was also curious if something like this would come up. I’m sure it’ll get sorted out anyways.

  • Mueller report also documented many cases of obstruction, the reason they couldn’t come to a conclusion, and was hamstringed by not being allowed to look into finances. Also Trump is on record saying he fired Comey for that Russia thing because it was made up (of course Trump never lies). So it seems he was capable in some capacity. Also having the boss of the people who are doing the investigation on your side never hurts, why do you think it was shut down soon after Barr was appointed?

  • Yes this, it’s absurd he’s a frontrunner in what is essentially a two party system. As someone in a neighboring country, the impact a US president has on the world at large is scary. Like he could be commander in chief of the world’s largest military…again? There was too much anxiety for his first term, of course people think about what he’ll do in a second term and not just because of domestic issues. He disbanded the pandemic team that could have had a huge impact on COVID, that alone should tell people to be concerned. Of course we’ll never know if it did but it’d be nice to know what that difference would have made, cause it wouldn’t have been worse for sure.

  • With how he’s been acting I think that well is drying up these days. As much Russia wants to contribute they have their war to pay for and sanctions make it more difficult (I hope), I’m sure his supporters are less able to contribute since they’ve given so much already, I doubt he’s getting many new supporters. He’ll still get more than most people can reasonably make in 20 years but it’ll never be enough for Trump.

    Plus I think his legal bills are catching up these days funny how a billionaire has trouble paying lawyers for even a handful of cases eh? That’s like pay a few big firms type of money available, if it were there. Maybe it’s just because no one will work for him but I imagine he could get a hundred decent lawyers if he paid properly.

  • The problem with stuff like flow charts is that when you do a new feature that changes the chart then there’s another chunk of time to update that document. If you’re really interested in that all you can really do is make your own as you go through software and you’ll see usual patterns how different code areas interact. it’s not as useful as figuring it out on your own or studying design paradigms.

  • I’m biased since I grew up with the movie and always loved computers, but I watched it with my gf a few years back (okay like 7 years ago, at my age a few years isn’t a big difference) and thought it held up for what it was. It’s almost like an early cyberpunk jacked in experience but even without that thinking, being sucked into a computer sounded awesome and I definitely dug the fx in the 80s which I’ve seen a few shows about how it was revolutionary for the time.

    Also think the cast was solid, Jeff Bridges needs no other comment, but I keep forgetting the rest of the names, Tron was the second commander in Babylon 5 show, the old scientist character was the grandpa in Lost Boys. Okay I cheated and checked imdb but too lazy to copy names, the dude who played Londo from B5 is there plus David Warner who is the bad guy in many things from the 80s.

    It’s a slower paced movie but well worth the watch, and one line I always remember from it 'now that is a big door’s.

    Also if you program the general premise is about code being stolen and him hitting them back, kinda cyberpunkish too.