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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • I used a tutorial book to help me create a python text game, then I rewrote it and have been casually adding things. I sort of want to re-write it again in Java to see how it compares, I’m more comfortable with java so I’m hoping I could focus more on system design. I’m noticing that the more I add to the base game the more spread out my solutions become, so addressing that is the main interest I have with it.

    A new project I’m working on is a simple web scraper. I liked building a lexer/parser in the text game and I think having my own web scraper would be useful.

    I’m still learning so I aim for projects I can ‘finish’ in 2-4 weeks.

    Oh and a windows notepad that looks like the windows notepad except more customizable. I like the idea of building utilities.

  • It’s more that the US is all about personal liberty and personal freedoms. Other places that you’re referring to have a charter of rights, which still allow for personal freedoms but are also constructed to protect minorities or at risk groups, like Jewish people.

    That said the Bill of Rights that the Americans produced was first of it’s kind and amazing. Personally I just don’t think they got it quite right and charter of rights take into account the personal liberties of all people and not just the dominant majority.

  • I guess I had considered propaganda to emanate from dishonest sources and took my cooky professor quoting legit sources as not being part of that group, but even facts can be misrepresented. I don’t think the intention of my comments were to elevate coal or any other dirty energy source.

    The point of those studies wasn’t to disrupt development of renewables but to prompt engineers and planners to design systems which limit the harmful effects observed in the first generation of windmills. They are good things to review and know about.

    It’s hard to bring up complex topics on the internet because we can’t all be experts at everything and it’s easier to lump people into for/against camps. That’s not at all where I’m coming from, but that’s how I’ve been assigned by mentioning “the other side” of a complex topic.