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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • It makes all the difference WHAT we disagree on. Want to discuss what the tax rate should be? Fine. Want to discuss how we should use our military? Ok.

    But, I’m not discussing if women should have agency over their body. I’m not discussing if we should elect criminals. I’m not discussing if queer people should be treated equally. I’m not discussing if Nazis are good people. Get fucked hard. These issues are not up for debate. And it’s the reason calling yourselves a republican makes me immediately think of you as an asshole.

    Maybe in the past you could hide behind small government bullshit but since Trump, the mask has come off.

  • Man, I kind of feel for the poster.

    A while back I was tinkering with some website and installed some npm packages.

    Then I tried to delete the nodes modules folder… NOTHING worked… Safe mode, permissions change, command line deletion,… I spend like an hour googling and raging, it’s my fucking computer I put the fucking file there, let me delete it!!!

    I was ready to give up and finally stumbled on the answer on stack overflow. The npm folder that was created (I forget exactly what it was) had the ~ symbol in path name and that basically made the folder invincible.

    Luckily the poster also posted the command line to nuke the fucker and I was finally able to delete it.

    So yea, I kinda get it. Seeing that stupid you don’t have permission to delete this file pop-up is rage inducing.

  • Exactly. I’d also like to add, look at Google stuff their ui / ux is routinely horseshit. So don’t tell me there are ui/ux gurus out there GIGAchading user interfaces.

    A lot of this shit is trial and error and even then they still fuck it up.

    Make it accessible, make it legible and then fine tune it after.

  • Very interesting. Actually the part you mention about there being an initial 'btn' class is a good point. Using arrays and joining would be nice for that. I wish more people would chime in. Because between our two examples, I think mine is more readable. But yours would probably scale better. I also wonder about the performance implications of creating arrays. But that might be negligible.

  • Ok how about this then, I frequently do something like this:

    let className = 'btn'
      if (displayType) {
        className += ` ${displayType}`
      if (size) {
        className += ` ${size}`
      if (bordered) {
        className += ' border'
      if (classNameProp) {
        className += ` ${classNameProp}`

    How would this be made better with a functional approach? And would be more legible, better in anyway?