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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • m0darn@lemmy.catoProgressive Politics@lemmy.worldHe'll Be Fine
    2 months ago

    I think the actual action is to engage with the democratic political process.

    So yes, vote. But also go to town hall meetings, and park board meetings, and parent advisory council meetings. Write a letters to your representatives, and then go to one of their events and tell them what you think of their response.

  • As a man, I think it’s the sort of experience that men struggle to understand because of patriarchal dynamics.

    What I mean is: if a doctor were to:

    • ask me if I have considered other forms of birth control
    • and then explain all the different birth control methods to make sure I actually understand,
    • ask if I’ve talked about the decision with my wife,
    • and then explain that a general impression of her opinion isn’t the same thing as sitting down together and reviewing all the data,
    • ask if understand how the surgery will affect my body
    • and then explain the hormonal changes my body would go through
    • etc

    before agreeing to schedule a vasectomy.

    Interpretting these questions through the lens of my lived experience:

    These are thorough but pragmatic questions. The doctor is trying to make sure I understand all the options. The doctor is a peer with special expertise and wants to make sure that I understand all the risks.

    But women too often grow up in an environment which tells them:

    • Women should trust the men in their lives too make the best decisions for them.
    • That having children is the most important thing they can do in the world.
    • A woman’s value is proportional to her utility as a wife and mother.
    • Women that have sex for fun are disgusting sluts.

    So when they get asked a barrage of questions identical to the ones I’dve been asked, they experience them very differently. Women are not irrational to hear the exact same questions very differently if they are interpreting them through the lens of their experiences. Maybe they experience those questions as:

    • “Why don’t you just stop having so much sec you slut?”
    • “Don’t you know how to have sex with out getting pregnant you dumb bitch?”
    • “Do you have your husband’s permission?”
    • “Does your husband know you’re a slut?”
    • “Do you understand that you will be destroying your value to society if you don’t have kids?”
    • “Do you understand that you will become any even crazier bitch after this?”

    And too often, the doctor really does mean that.

    Edit to add: I’d value other people’s takes too.

  • I don’t think Jesse Owens was tainted just because Hitler congratulated him.

    I don’t think people that resisted the Nazis are tainted just because Israel thanks them.

    That’s why I disagreed with your initial comment.

    Just as we shouldn’t consider Jesse Owens to be tainted by Hitler’s endorsement, we shouldn’t consider anti-Nazi movements to be tainted by Israel’s endorsement.

    That’s all we seem to disagree on.

    Yes, we should be skeptical of Israel positioning WW2 heroes as champions of Israel’s interpretation of Zionism.

    Also for clarification: I’m opposed to Israel’s apparent genocide of the Palestinians. I think Israel’s crimes are more similar to the Americo-Canadian genocide of North America’s first nations than with the Nazi genocide of European Jews and other marginalized minorities. Ie Israel isn’t doing “murder factory” genocide, it’s doing “encroachment and suppression” genocide (and starvation, and persecution). Also similar to what Russia is doing to Ukraine.

  • m0darn@lemmy.caOPtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldnoob hardware question
    7 months ago

    Okay, I think $80 Canadian for a case, psu, mobo, cpu, & ram is sounding pretty reasonable. I just don’t know of its enough processing power for the video stuff. But I guess if not I can upgrade the mobo/cpu or add a graphics card.

    Thanks, that channel looks great.

    Re offsite backup: Yes I don’t have so many family photos that it will be difficult/ expensive to store online. But I need to get them together first.

  • I don’t support the execution of the Uvalde shooter.

    What does killing him accomplish?

    Justice? Not really.

    Restitution? Not at all.

    Vengeance? Not really.

    Deterrence? Not really.

    Closure for the families of the victims? I suppose.

    I don’t know about this case, but some families of victims oppose the death penalty, even in the case of the murder of their children.

    Some reasons for this view could be religious beliefs, or the view that death is the easy way out, or the deterrence value of being able to point at a person in jail, or the potential for the person to do some good in the world.

    These people would object to closure for them being used as justification for killing their child’s murderer.

    It’s not fair to victim families to make them choose life or death for a murderer. It would be a decision they’d have to live with forever. We can’t do that to them.

    My opinion is that capital punishment should only be used where a person guilty of a ‘capital crime’ can’t be reliably imprisoned.

    Ie I’m not sure Iraqis were wrong to execute Saddam Hussein. I don’t think it would be wrong for countries that struggle with corruption in their penal system to execute cartel leaders (that have been convicted of ‘capital crimes’). War crimes, insurrection leaders, that sort of thing.

  • This is all conjecture:

    It serves Trump for his j6 insurrectionists and their families to believe he’ll pardon them all. His supporters (j6 and other extremists) serve Trump by continually reassuring each other that the pardons will definitely happen day 1.

    Trump supporters are surely telling each other that they have it from ‘reliable sources’ (their imaginations) that Trump will pardon everyone that’s faithful. The day of forgiveness is near and all they have to do is have faith and do good works (spread the faith, give money) and their redemption shall come.

  • Another way of thinking about it is betting your entire bankroll for 99.9…% certainty that you will win $1.

    Say you go into the casino with $1000.


    $1 lose.
    $3 lose.
    $9 lose.
    $27 lose.
    $81 lose.
    $243 lose.
    $729 oh wait you can't bet that much, you only have $457 left. Dang, do you bet $457 or find another $272? 
    Bet $457 and you win $914! Congrats you're now only down $86!
    Or maybe you lost and are down $1000.
    Or maybe you scrounged up $272 so you could keep playing
    Bet 729 and lose. Now you're down $1272.
    Bet 729 and you win 1458. Pay back the $272 you borrowed from your buddy, you're still up $186. 
    You just bet $729 dollars for a %50 chance of winning $186.

    But what are the chances of getting 6 or 7 losses in a row? 1 in 64, or 128 respectively, actually worse because roulette wheels aren’t 50/50, they’re 18/19 (18 wins and 19 losses in 37 plays on average) or worse. So losing 6 times in a row will happen 1 in 54 plays, 7 losses is 1 in 106.

    Google says roulette wheels spin 55 times per hour so with your strategy you will lose your bank roll in about one hour assuming your starting bet is 0.1% of your bank roll.