• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • “AI” is just another productivity tool, copilot let’s you remove some of the tedious patterned work you do, like writing all those asserts in Unit tests, it’s decent at guessing html structures too.

    So basically it makes a developer faster, but then so do stuff like a good IDE, good plugins for your workflow, etc.

    i saw somewhere an interesting take, even if AI could generate all the code for all the edge cases, you’d still need people to translate what business wants for the AI to understand properly.

    Writing code is already a small part of a developers job, completely eliminating it won’t eliminate a developers job.

  • Not like pre endgame it was fucking teeming with quality, most of the mcu is watchable once inoffensive, appeal to everyone stuff that’s competently made.

    The only movies i have genuinely wanted to rewatch pre endgame are Thor Ragnarok, Infinity war, and maybe Iron man, that’s it, the rest is just not worth revisiting and even iron man if I never see it again I won’t feel like I missed out.

    Ragnarok i have watched like 4 times and I could rewatch it again, infinity war is really good too and is worth rewatching, endgame is too much fan service moments but still okay.

  • What’s the issue with public static main?

    And whats the issue with factories? Factories are a design pattern thats not specific to Java, I’d recommend you read the design patterns book and understand why they exist. I also have 0 factory useage stuck in my mind and I have been developing with java since 2016.

    OOP? It’s an OO language ffs, that’s like complaining that C isn’t OO. If you don’t want to use an OO language don’t use one.

    how much code you need to generate for some basic stuff

    Do you mean verbosity because thats only a complaint for people who dont need to maintain stuff long term. Or maybe you misused java for doing something simple where python would have sufficed.

    And then there is the springboot framework that makes shit trivial