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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I honestly don’t care. I had nothing to do with how he got there the first time, if I use my vote, it will do absolutely nothing to stop him a second time. Also… Dems could nominate someone besides Biden… Everyone in this thread acts like my one vote makes all the difference, it doesn’t, it won’t, this thing is rigged in every way possible, the whole system should be better, I didn’t create it, I didn’t make the rules.

    I’m from Washington state, so again, my vote doesn’t matter, that’s the way the system works. My state will go blue with or without me participating.

    The whole entire everything needs a complete overhaul, and it’s not going to happen. It’s just a show. Maybe we get the orange clown again, maybe not, who knows, I really don’t care.

  • Nope. I haven’t lived in the US for 14 years. I’m not voting. I’m not protesting shit, nobody is listening anyway, why would I bother. No, I’m done. I have a higher quality of life where I live now, I’m just a spectator. The US is in a downward trajectory, my one vote will not change that.

    I did volunteer by the way, I came home to volunteer for Bernie’s campaign both times. It’s not like I didn’t care, I voted nearly 20 years of life that I was able to, it hasn’t meant a damn thing except disappointment. I’m perfectly fine just watching the world burn, my vote can’t stop it. Nothing I do can stop it. I’m just going to chill and enjoy my time, watch show, enjoy the ride.

    If anyone has a time machine and we can go back to before Bernie got robbed, I’ll vote. But not anymore, not a chance. No matter how I use or don’t use my vote, it will be the wrong choice. This is not my fault, I had nothing to do with how we got to now, until not I have always voted, just now now, not anymore. And what did all those votes get me? Jack shit.

  • No. Absolutely not. I morally cannot vote for the one “who will do the least damage” Not a chance, that’s a complete waste of my vote in my opinion, and at that point what’s the difference if I just sit out? Nobody is happy if I don’t vote, that’s wrong, I’m supposed to vote for someone I don’t like so another candidate that I dislike even more doesn’t win. What the fuck change will ever happen in a lifetime with that strategy? This shits broken, I’m not participating anymore because of it, my vote, my choice how I use it, I choose not to use it.

  • To be fair, in all my responses, I am mostly referring to presidential elections, I’m not arguing that the small local stuff can and does matter, and sometimes those races come down to just a few votes. Ya that’s true.

    Don’t think there’s any harm in it at all, I just don’t care, and if I don’t care I’m not engaged and educated on all the issues, then should I really be voting? Or is better I sit out since I’m not following anything at all and can’t make good informed decisions anymore?

  • If anything, vote so you can say you didn’t vote for the guy that’s fucking over the world.

    I’ve tried that too. I still lost, still bummed out, still felt like I made zero difference, still criticized by others even when using my vote so I can say at least I didn’t vote for the guy that’s fucking over the world like you said. For reference, I voted Obama, then Jill Stein, then the last two times I wrote in Bernie. So I did use my votes, and I always got the same response people gave me here, that I was dumb voting third party, or an idiot to waste my vote writing in Bernie. People would tell me a write in or voting third party was essentially a vote for the wrong team. So when I use my vote, it’s wrong, if I don’t use my vote it’s wrong. Now I just don’t want to participate anymore. So maybe “they” win now since I’ve checked out, but is that any different than playing this rigged game my whole life, holding out hope things will change and get better, when in the end, “they” will always win?

  • Nope. I didn’t fuck this shit up by not voting, they did it. My one vote is not that powerful! If it was I would still be voting 🤣 Dumbest comments in the thread are the ones that think their votes matter.

    I’ve made absolutely zero difference all the years I’ve voted, so why should I bother anymore? I just don’t care. The US is a car speeding down a road to a destination, who is driving that car doesn’t matter, change it every four or eight years, it makes absolutely no difference, the US will arrive exactly where it’s headed no matter who is in charge or whether I vote or not.

    Plus it’s my vote to do with what I want, I choose to not use it. Give me someone worth voting for and I will show up first, they never will though.