Render Media works the best
rm file.json
Render Media works the best
rm file.json
Power of Two
1GB is 29.8975 pots
1MB is 19.9315 pots
Some people just want to mod a game they love and play it again. There’s more than one reason to use these tools.
Like naming your daughter Methany.
I understand your point just fine. Your goal of protecting people from large corps is met but it doesn’t protect people from other people.
If a drunk driver hits you and has half your wealth you’re only getting half the value of your car. I doubt very much the 30 day license suspension and points on their license will make up for that.
Restitution only includes reimbursent to get them back to the state before the crime happened. It’s just for damages directly caused by the crime. In the case of piracy no direct damage occurs so there would not be $14m in criminal restitution.
If a drunk driver totals your car you’re ok with getting less of a car?
If someone robs a bank they only have to repay a small percentage of the theft?
As long as restitution is part of the criminal sentencing I’m good with that. The person needs to reimburse the victim for the cost it took to get back to where they were before the crime.
Do they own US properties, I couldn’t find any articles that they do.
When the properties are liquidated I wonder how hard the real estate market in China will fall. The empty city real estate bubble may be getting ready to pop.
Because that’s some leet hacker stuff, did you see it was in dark mode.
It takes a couple of years for a homeless camp to reach those levels and that magnitude of squaler.
Missouri doesn’t have as huge a homeless problem as California, there’s not as many homeless people come winter time in Missouri.
It’s both, in high theft areas you need more sales to offset your losses. Low sales and high theft will close a buisness fast.
If you go resturants around lunch you’ll see a bunch of people with a laptop bag or backpack but they don’t get their computers out. Companies tell their employees to never leave laptops in their cars, even for just a minute.
The US is going to explode half the people entering the US illegally are not vaccinated, then we bus them all around the country.
It agitates me to no end why every bread product is loaded with sugar. I can tell immediately when someone uses pillsbury rolls, biscuts, crescent rolls. Even worse Hawaiian rolls which should have a little sweetness are stuffed with sugar to be sweater than everything else it’s just about pastry levels of sugar.
Or if your pulling 4 byte data from an AtoD converter and it’s ordered 2, 3, 0, 1 for a fixed point value that you need to convert to a standard float at an extremely high rate or else the ring buffer will fill and you’ll start losing data.
That code review was a good time.
Hotchkiss has a drug history and stated that he had been to federal prison on a drug conspiracy charge. He stated that the conspiracy case was about 20 years ago when he lived in Orange Beach, officials said.
Removed by mod
I’d love it if Emulators added a license clause forbidding Nintendo and Nintendo affiliates from using it then took them to court.