• 142 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • “She has sadly transformed her activism into a platform for vile Jew-hatred,” the organization said.

    Thunberg, 21, was arrested on September 4 while demonstrating with Students Against the Occupation, who called on Copenhagen University to cut ties with Israel, including climate change programs. StopAntisemitism founder Liora Rez condemned Thunberg, accusing her of prioritizing hatred for Israel over environmental activism despite Israel’s efforts on climate action.

    “Sadly, Greta’s hatred of the world’s only Jewish nation eclipses her love of the environment. …”

    Well would you look at that: they make no distinction between demanding the university cut ties with Israel, “hatred for Israel”, “hatred of the world’s only Jewish nation” and “vile Jew-hatred”. So for them there’s no gap between asking for pressure to stop Israel’s active genocide and hating all Jews. It’s so absurd and such a blatant attempt at political gaslighting they don’t deserve to be taken seriously.

  • Nothing can be concluded from the anecdotal reports of individuals. If there’s a real effect here it can only be seen in a statistical study of many subjects (and it seems there’s some doubt about the study’s replicability). So I don’t think anyone could tell you definitively whether your eyes manifested this effect, and it would be a mistake to treat the hypothesis as confirmed or undermined by any one person’s report.

  • That’s why I’d love to see more developers take another look at Linux. Such that they may develop better proficiency in the basic katas of the internet. Such that they aren’t scared to connect a computer to the internet without the cover of a cloud.

    The developers I have come across mostly use Linux if they can, or another OS if they can’t (e.g. when developing specifically for Apple or Microsoft platforms). Are there many that haven’t even looked at it?