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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • i’ll spell it out really slow like for ya if it’ll help.

    israel’s treatment of the palestinian people is that of an ethnic cleansing.

    they are removing their heritage sites.

    flooding their farmlands during winter so they’re fucked in the spring.

    constantly boxing in all palestinians that live in any of the palestinian territories that still exist.

    shooting palestinian women, children

    shooting journalists and medics that choose to help or report on the situation.

    bulldozing their land and homes to make room for new israeli settlers that will happily steal that land from the palestinians.

    responding with disproportionate force after palestinians are goaded into defending themselves. one molotov should not equal days of missile strikes.

    they have consistently “accidentally” targeted school buildings and hospitals for missile strikes during disproportionate responses.

    basically all of these actions amount to ethnic cleansing, which is a facet of genocide.

    israel’s M.O. is to act like nazi lite, then when the world takes notice and outrage occurs, they back off. during that time, they lobby the US government and pull strings and make threats.

    and if you criticize israel at all for their behavior on the world stage? well then you’re just a fucking antisemite, and they’ll be quick to call it that.

    they spend some of the most money of any world government using social media teams to protect their country’s interests.

    you’re looking at smarter nazis with better PR and lots of money.

  • depends. if they do that, no lie, they invite the streisand effect by doing so.

    the only way for that to occur is for the person to scrub the internet of all references to their art work and make sure any public or private viewings happen in person with no capture devices of any kind allowed. then you have a chance at accomplishing not having your art be absorbed.

    the reality is, if it exists on the net, it will be absorbed by others out there. sometimes just out of sheer spite. if it weren’t so easy to shit out a home brew ai stable diffusion model or lora in hours, then sure, there might be a way of legally pursuing. fortunately art is now going to become so democratized that there will be a myriad of new artists to copy from.

    but at this point that’s like trying to shut down pepe the frog as a meme. just ain’t gonna happen. pepe’s been let out of the box.

    i think the artists are scared that with ai in the mix, they’re going to be replaced. but that’s not true the same as painters weren’t replaced by photoshop and digital painters. they could actually embrace the change and lean into it, but unfortunately people tend to be like lemmings in their own echo chambers and the artist echo chamber said “THIS IS BAD! THIS IS STEALING!” never once thinking about all the methods they’ve stolen from others along the way. oh sorry, we will call it “influenced”. my bad.

    but yeah, if they lean into it, great things can occur. a friend of mine has literally trained a private home brew model of her own artwork and then added in shit tons of fantasy concepts into the mix. as a result, a shit ton of her heavy lifting for illustration in graphic novels is already done. artists could be using it for inspiration or for reference.

    honestly i can’t wait for the artist echo chamber to just calm tf down

  • let’s see them argue this for copying and further altering other people’s styles manually.

    you know, what we call “art”.

    you telling me all those people that thought “oh wow that artist’s method of using long curving lines is awesome, im going to try that too.” are somehow different than the act of visually scraping everything and then telling ai to create X in the styles of Y and Z?

    sorry, but no.

    if it is someone copying someone’s exact style and the acting as though the artist made it, that’s where it’s crossing a line. personally i think doing a carbon copy of a persons work is grounds for legal complaint.

    but this shit? no.

  • esadatari@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    cool. let’s just get a list of all the republican congressman and senators that will surely vote yes on this.

    it’s not a dictatorship, thank god, and half the country’s leadership is against it and won’t vote for its legalization at this point in time.

    so go ahead. get that list of republicans. because they also have a lot of the deciding power. the president is one man on one side of the isle.

    this is a way of changing that slowly and surely.

    so while yea they should legalize it federally, with the current fuckwads on the right fucking things up for everyone, full legalization isn’t in the books yet. if you don’t see that, then there’s no getting through to you and have a nice day.

  • esadatari@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    under schedule 3 it’ll be easier to obtain than adderal.

    i know the young folks think it should be an all or nothing solution but the truth is the country as a whole rarely moves that way with so many contending views.

    this is how you change those views against it, by removing the demonization over time in phases.

    this gives time for the private prison systems and big pharma and big alcohol/tobacco to get their ducks in a row for the changes that will surely arrive.

    when the people who believe that it is the worst drug ever see what a difference in perception can do as the government no longer demonizes it, that’s when it’ll be fully legalized.

    shit sucks but with over half the country filled with fucking idiots, you really need to be able to crawl before you can walk or even run. this is a step in the right direction and i’ve been around long enough to see what a fucking foot in the legal door this is.