does this suggest that copy/paste from the terminal is broken by design and we need find a better way?
Yes the three years of re-engineering work
I still never understood how V equals “Paste”
When you first saw C++ were you blinded by its majesty?
You want shit to JustWork? No! /s
Is this going to activate the StarGate?
Hyper Text Markup Language
A. Yes it’s a language.
B. People who write HTML have been called Programmers for decades.
C. Are you writing in a kind of pseudo code that the computer is going to transform into another form? Yes.
I think the problem here isn’t that HTML isn’t a programming language. The problem is that we don’t further classify programming languages.
There should be Platform Languages and Client languages.
HTML is most definitely a Client Language.
Is Linux a operating system?
I’d be open to considering those but I never had a website break it down in a material way. At best 6 to me is shiny and side grade – if it results in major labor and time spent without reasonable benefit within a LAN then it’s not going to be a humdinger. Of course like I said if there are arguments to be made I’m happy to contemplate them.
YMMV, for me the juice hasn’t been worth the squeeze yet and I’m not sure it ever will.
YMMV. Time, energy, compat*ability problems, unforseen issues which cost time debugging.
Again, I’m speaking for me – there has to be a tangible real benefit and within networks even with 100 devices IPv4 does the job better than fine and better than IPv6 for some folks.
Not to mention its just plain easier to remember 4 octet sets of numbers running from machine to machine in an office than 6 or 8 or whatever.
Yup, the benefits don’t outweigh the costs.
I have never used SAP, I have used this extensively, I believe you
This could easily be a quote by GlaDOS the way it reads.
Fuck CloudFlare – I don’t like monopolies or monopolike.
I’ve heard the argument that they think their audience is for kids as a argument against doing what their fans want often.
If so, how is “kids” going to buy a 299.99 Lego. It makes that theory fall flat on it’s face.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a new Micro Kernel. The Ethernet stack could be rebooted and drivers without taking down the whole computer module by module.
There are advantages to each.
What’s the name of that ancient Java UX again?