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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • DE&I is about creating a space where all people have the opportunity to have similar end states. It is NOT about having everyone on equal footing at the start. It is recognizing that people have different starting points and that some of those starting points are heavily disadvantaged.

    In engineering, for instance, Asian males make up the majority of grad students at many universities, and if not a majority then by far the highest minority. So their starting point when entering the workforce is much stronger than the majority of black people, or Hispanic people, or Native American people.

    In college admissions, which is what this story is about, it is about looking at how difficult it is for a student to get to the point where they start college (financially and educationally). Asian Americans more frequently have strong families encouraging them and supporting them going to college. They more frequently have family support to get good grades in High School. They more frequently have the financial ability to augment loans to pay for college. So the thought is to give more help to communities that don’t have the same level of support.

    If Asians make up 5% of the population but 15% of college students, while black people make up 10% of the population but only 3% of college students (all made up numbers), the point of DE&I initiatives are to help out those who are having harder times even getting to the starting line let alone finishing the marathon.

  • “selectively enforces its policies to avoid protecting Jewish students from harassment, hires professors who support anti-Jewish violence and spread antisemitic propaganda, and ignores Jewish students’ pleas for protection”

    The problem with this statement is it is completely subjective and not at all objective. The first one is reasonable if Jewish students are being verbally harassed walking through campus with complaints being ignored. That might very well be happening. However, the other ones sound a whole lot like, “you hired professors who don’t 100% support Israel no matter what the country does.” One person’s “spread antisemitic propaganda” is another person’s “shared a story from a reputable news source that didn’t show 100% support for Israel.”

  • If you don’t understand the core nature of the business you yourself are starting, then you shouldn’t be starting that business. That business license was probably granted by the state, not the federal government. And just because the state didn’t say, “hey, you might want to think this through” doesn’t mean she shouldn’t think things through.

    I guarantee you she knew what the federal laws were in a rough sense and likely knew EXACTLY what the federal laws were. One of the most common questions customers are going to ask employees of a legal weed place is whether this is legal.

    There’s just such a huge difference between getting a job in an industry and starting a business in an industry. She probably had to build a business plan to get a loan to start the company, and that is when she should have been researching the legalities of what she was doing. She probably had to consult a tax attorney to get her company’s books in order, and that is another time when she should have been asking about federal legality.