I thought the Google search fixer was only for mobile.
u/ORIOLESFan02YT on reddit. Deleted my reddit account because of u/spez
I thought the Google search fixer was only for mobile.
If Snapchat does nothing, the Firefox team will change the user agent to trick the website into thinking it’s something else.
You should submit something to the webcompat website. It would help and they’ll contact Snapchat and see what they can do.
Another obligatory ‘Fuck Linus’
Obligatory fuck Linus
For a second I thought they were crocs
For me, it’s MPC-HC.
If they’re following the law (meaning not jaywalking), then yes, it will be my fault. However, I see so many people jaywalk more than using crosswalks. That’s just what I see.
I said if possible. No need to write paragraphs
Just pull over instead. (If possible)
You know, I believe if people didn’t cross in the middle of the road, wore bright colors, and a couple more things that I’m probably forgetting about, this would’ve been greatly reduced. While it could be both the drivers and the pedestrians fault, I believe the pedestrians are the main ones to blame, cause not all drivers can see them due to what they’re wearing. Now that’s what I think, and if you disagree, that’s fine with me.
We’re all children. I don’t give a damn how old they were, they fucked around and found out and now they have to face the consequences. Your age, your race, and other things don’t excuse you of the crimes you committed, or attempted to commit.
Let me put this into simpler words. If you’re committing a crime, and someone tries to stop you. You put your hands in your pocket like you’re about to pull something out of it. The person who stopped you has no idea what you’re going to pull out of your pocket, it could be a gun, it could be your phone, it could be something else. We don’t know what you’re reaching for, and if the other person believed their life was in danger, they have every right to pull out their gun and defend their self. While I do agree that America needs gun control, I also believe that the U.S Marshal was in the right for defending their self. They fucked around, and that 13 year old found out.
As people say: FAFO.
It’s like the Ford Pinto all over again.
Honestly, there are many people on Baltimore’s streets that shouldn’t be on the streets, yet they still are.
Edit: Im a Baltimore native, no idea why I’m getting downvoted for saying something that’s true.
I reckon he’d steel it instead.
Fair enough