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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • This was me :) live at about 900’ flew in for work, picked up my rental Jeep and drove up to pikes peak

    Didn’t get sick but could walk like 5 steps at a time before needing to catch my breath. Hung out for a bit came down and went up to Longmont. Had a nice headache for a couple days.

    Second trip out I skipped pikes, but also acclimated way faster. No headache, and got in some great hiking.

  • I made the decision to block it a while ago so I don’t visit it. In fact, it’s blocked at the DNS level inside my house right or wrong. Wish I could laser in on YT Shorts / FB reels to cut/block them. I wish as a paying customer of YT I could disable shorts from my feed longer than 30 days.

    I watch a TON of longer form YT, and while, of course, there is algorithm in play here, I have 100s of subscriptions and mostly watch those channels exclusively. I branch out when I’m just filling time mindlessly or the available content is watched with my wife and she’s not here etc…

    I’m sure I blocked tiktok when it was only short form. I also did it so my son couldn’t get to it. Until he got an iPhone he was completely prevented from installing/visiting it. My wife now controls this parental bits (as a fellow drone… Err, iPhone user), and while the app is not allowed on his phone, I’m not sure if he can get to it via the browser.

  • There’s all kinds of people being born every day, growing up and becoming self hosting unRAID users. Meanwhile current license holders are growing older and dying off.

    How is continuing to charge for new people to get into unRAID unsustainable? If it’s worked this long but isn’t now then increase the prices, or watch your overhead.

    I’m here until my pro license starts costing me again. If that happens, I’ll likely jump just like I have done with other products I paid for that changed our original agreement.

  • My comment was about how in my opinion apnews did a pretty poor job with that story overall. I’m not a school administer so I have no desire to try to work out what appropriate high school punishments for various instances of breaking rules should be. I stand by my original comment on that subject.

    “I am not going to comment on whether the punishment fit the crime, there’s not enough detail about that in the story.”

    Edit: I will say this, The consequences must not have been harsh enough to stop her from going into the bathroom and vaping. And if they weren’t, how bad do you have to make the punishment before her, an apparently smart kid, stop breaking the zero tolerance rule?