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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Ah the proud conservative. Tell me friend, how does it feel to be a champion of legalized pedophilia, aka child marraige? Does knowing you are directly responsible for children being raped, legally, because “its a religious tradition” get the engine going? How about the fact that it’s predominantly 60+ year old men “marrying” (to have sex with) young girls and in some cases with no lower age limit? Them proud republican traditions… from the people who have “think of the children” on speed dial. But they never wanted you to think of these children.

    I’d be willing to bet you didn’t have a clue. Why? Cause your dumb ass is too busy “owning the libs” to bother looking at your party or institutions actions at any level of the government that you arent spoon fed by fox or other republican propaganda mills. Laughable, that’s how I see every conservative flinging of the term paedophile. It’s funny because your institutions are rife with it, yet you are unphased by the hypocrisy. The catholic church and its priests raping boys is a trope at this point. The Mormon church protects its rapists by changing legislation so they can functionally ignore their confessions instead of reporting to the police. Every other republican politician has a history of sexual deviance, many including children… with the base gasping “imperfect vessel” to hand wave away their disgraceful behavior while accusing their political enemies of the same without a shred of evidence. Straight up moral bankruptcy. Knuckledragging bigots don’t need no evidence to parrot their party’s political message.

    Just like they didn’t need evidence to support an insurrection and try to overthrow our duly elected government. Lie to a republican enough, and they will believe anything. Questions like “out of 60 court cases why didn’t Trump present any tangible evidence the election was stolen” are just unimportant details when the party asked you to “fight like hell” to maintain their power. Gullible, traitorous lemmings, the lot of them. Watching the Republican party coalesce around these traitors and try to white wash their acts as “desperate patriotism” is just pathetic and disgraceful. Every person that attacked the capitol on January 6th deserve to hang; being a gullible moron doesn’t excuse one from the consequences of their actions. You support wannabe dictators at your own peril.

    Overall, I can only guess how much spit you unknowingly consume in a year. Not nearly as much as you deserve, I imagine. You could try to be a better person, but then that would get in the way of “owning” the libs. The reality is you are so “owned” by your party day in and out, so much so you don’t even know they own you.

  • Nothing. Not a damn thing that i suspect is by design. In my opinion it’s smoke and mirrors to distract from the fact that they support underage sex by older men through child marraige.

    Did you know only 4 states in the u.s. require both parties be 18 and provide proof? Did you know there are 10 states where there is no lower boundary in age for the child? Did you know the lions share of child marraige involves an older man taking a female child as their bride through “parental, judicial, religious, or pregnancy exceptions.” The pregnancy exception is really interesting considering a child cannot consent… but if you get married after its all gravy…

    “In the United States, child marriage is a pervasive issue with devastating domestic consequences.  Between 2000 and 2018, almost 300,000 children were married in the United States alone, with approximately 30,000 to 60,000 of those marriages occurring at a spousal age difference that should have been considered a sex crime.”


    Republicans support child marraige while insisting Democrats are paedophiles, presumably to create a smoke screen for themselves. It’s always projection.