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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • At one time it would have sounded like a conspiracy theory, but you don’t get here without a massive disinformation campaign.

    Trump’s supporters have been so programmed to accept everything he says at face value or, in some cases, just to ignore what he actually said in favor of the party’s updated spin. In all cases, they believe it is impossible that he could do any wrong, so any semblance of incongruity or poor leadership or any negative aspect of Trump at all must be due to lies of his opponents – even if that means the entire system would have to be rigged against him to an extremely unlikely degree.

    The last time the world saw these tactics used to such an extreme extent and with such success required a widespread campaign of so-called “denazification” after a very prolonged war.

  • Can you define what part of PornHub owning a lot of other porn sites makes them a monopoly? Part of being a monopoly is being anticompetitive. What has PornHub done in terms of lobbying or other anticompetitive practices which makes it more difficult for a new company sharing porn to take hold? Because there is a ton of porn online which is unrelated to PornHub.

    I’m all for calling out monopolies, but I legit don’t see one here. I’m open to being wrong.

    I don’t believe that the thing about actresses getting work after 22 is reliant on PornHub. Porn has worked that way for 50+ years my dude.

  • Yeah, well that’s the thing: they like the idea of being against government regulations, but if it is presented to them as a moral issue, they eat it up.

    Case in point: a comment in this thread loosely trying to pose PH’s response as being against states’ rights – in this case, due to the states tacitly regulating morality. I’m sure if the issue was e.g. raising state taxes, all of a sudden states’ rights wouldn’t matter.

    The right wing learned a while ago that if you can pose anything as morality, there is a whole class of people that will simply lick the boot.