carl_marks[use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Another argument debunked another goalpost moved.

    You haven’t addressed how you can see arabic everywhere, uyghur being an official language, and that there’s a shitton of mosques there and how it constitutes cultural genocide. If you culture is to stab people, then fuck your culture.

    Far too much evidence to deny

    Far little context taken into account

    the person which just spent time reading your worthless links is now ‘not serious’.

    No because if youd have looked at the “worthless” link you’d know that the primary sources BE provides are contextualized there already.

  • You have to prove cultural genocide is happening, not the ban of beards. Put your efford there.

    Yes there are. The heavy military guarding around the area is what’s very noteworthy.

    Heavily militarized synagogues in western countries means that it’s with the knowledge of “the genocide in palestine” and pretty obvious there’s something fishy going on. This is what I mean with gradual crackdown on religion. Sorry I cannot take you serious here.

    Your link wants to reference article 14 which focuses on re-education but the preceding one doesn’t look great

    What’s your approach on how to deal with people that go stabbing people around them and are supported by your geopolitical rival?

    BadEmpanada A single testimony

    I’m going to take you even less serious now and choose not to continue this conversation anymore.

  • Show me the original interview where Merkel said that.

    “Hatten Sie gedacht, ich komme mit Pferdeschwanz?”

    Die Zeit

    7. Dezember 2022

    Merkel: Das setzt aber voraus, auch zu sagen, was genau die Alternativen damals waren. Die 2008 diskutierte Einleitung eines Nato-Beitritts der Ukraine und Georgiens hielt ich für falsch. Weder brachten die Länder die nötigen Voraussetzungen dafür mit, noch war zu Ende gedacht, welche Folgen ein solcher Beschluss gehabt hätte, sowohl mit Blick auf Russlands Handeln gegen Georgien und die Ukraine als auch auf die Nato und ihre Beistandsregeln. Und das Minsker Abkommen 2014 war der Versuch, der Ukraine Zeit zu geben. Anm. d. Red.: Unter dem Minsker Abkommen versteht man eine Reihe von Vereinbarungen für die selbst ernannten Republiken Donezk und Luhansk, die sich unter russischem Einfluss von der Ukraine losgesagt hatten. Ziel war, über einen Waffenstillstand Zeit zu gewinnen, um später zu einem Frieden zwischen Russland und der Ukraine zu kommen. Sie hat diese Zeit hat auch genutzt, um stärker zu werden, wie man heute sieht.

    (Translated): Merkel: But that requires saying what exactly the alternatives were at the time. I thought the idea of ​​Ukraine and Georgia joining NATO, which was discussed in 2008, was wrong. The countries did not have the necessary prerequisites for this, nor had the consequences of such a decision been fully considered, both with regard to Russia’s actions against Georgia and Ukraine and to NATO and its mutual assistance rules. And the Minsk Agreement in 2014 was an attempt to give Ukraine time. Editor’s note: The Minsk Agreement is a series of agreements for the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, which had broken away from Ukraine under Russian influence. The aim was to gain time through a ceasefire in order to later achieve peace between Russia and Ukraine. It also used this time to become stronger, as we can see today.

  • Classifying parts of religion you don’t like because you have to “combat terrorism” and assimilate your colonized population… where have I heard that one before…

    Condoning radical parts of religion because forbidding them reminds of the cultural genocide that’s happening at home

    And making it look like a classic Chinese temple instead of an Uyghur one? Cultural preservation in full force.

    Imagine the headlines if left alone and the collapsing building kills a worshiper

    Wearing a long beard? Terrorism!

    The less radical Imam not falling into the western narrative in the video you linked to says that no religious repression is happening and denies that beards are banned. BBC provides no evidence and just points at a random ripped paper and says beards are banned because it says so there lol Instead you link me a video showing me how it even contradicts yourself. How do you like the timestamp, where the youtuber “sees 4-5 mosques just walking around the city center” and concludes “you can’t say that there aren’t any mosques here”. Which he concludes the same thing again further down the video you posted.

    How do you not see the contradiction, that you say cultural genocide, yet you can see arabic written all over the buildings in your own provided link? Poor guy couldnt fly his drone over the mosque. Have you tried flying a drone over a synagogue in any western country?

    At least read the context I provided you earlier

  • Cultural Genocide is not equal to full on literal israel style delete everyone you don’t like.

    Not what I was saying. I was saying that the same voices that say a “cultural genocide” is happening in China, are saying no genocide (not cultural, but the actual extermination of people) is happening in Palestine.

    Altering appearances of mosques to make them appear Chinese is an incredibly visually obvious step to slow-boiling the frog.

    Or you know, altering the building in a way it doesn’t crash on its worshipers i.e. renovating.

    Sinicization involves aligning religion to Chinese culture, and can also extend to adherence to the nation’s political ideology and rules.

    Like any fucking religion has to adhere to their host country. Basically it means if your interpretation of Islam is some radical shit where go stab random ass people you can get lost like they did with the western backed ETIM (Based)

    Also you seem to have a very narrow understanding of culture. You haven’t addressed even how the language and cultural practices aren’t banned. Slow boiling the frog my ass

  • Semantics are important with words like “imperialism”, “capitalism” and other isms.

    Xinjiang so I linked him this damning compilation.

    Xinjiang has 1 mosque per ~500 Muslims and one of the highest densities with 25k mosques total

    Your (western) article makes an “analysis of 2,312 mosques once featuring Islamic architecture shows that three-quarters have been modified or destroyed since 2018.”

    Which 1) is not that many compares to the total amount. 2) Has an interest in focussing on “modified” (i.e. renovated) and destroyed ones to make the 3/4 figure 3) apparently has access to that data, but refuses to list the total amount of destroyed ones.

    Also cultural genocide is when Uyghur is an official languages and also used publicly everywhere. Cultural genocide is when you can freely practice your religion everywhere. Cultural genocide is when all Muslim majority visited the region and had no complaints. Apparently genocide on Muslims is not happening in Palestine (said by the same voices that do say it’s happening in China)

    You might want to consider the context a bit (also with western sources):