That’s good to know, thanks! I had thought about using one of those but wanted a bit more structural protection against random pressure from heavy stuff in the bag. I’ll give it a shot (haha) then :)
That’s good to know, thanks! I had thought about using one of those but wanted a bit more structural protection against random pressure from heavy stuff in the bag. I’ll give it a shot (haha) then :)
True, never happened to me either. But usually I use dedicated camera backpacks where the gear is isolated pretty well. Or I’m really careful with how I put it in a bag when it’s in a neoprene sleeve, for example. But I just can’t guarantee I’ll be careful every single day, so I want decent protection. There shouldn’t be any pressure on the mount this way though, so I hope it’ll be fine!
Yes that’s what would happen. My backpack is surprisingly roomy though, it would fit a couple more things actually. But the lens and mount should be absolutely fine the way it sits in the case, no pressure at all there. So I think/hope you’re right and will give it a try. Thanks! :)
Where do you get paid for your lunch hour? I’m in Germany and while work life balance is certainly a thing here, more so than in the US, a paid lunch break is something I have never heard about.
Oh no, proice inflietion.
That is a good point, thanks. I do have a similar backpack but it’s much smaller than my other one and has more room reserved for the camera than I would need. I think I will alternate between my default backpack with the hard shell case and the multi-chamber one for a while and see what works best.