Psychiatric Registered Nurse

Love memes and scifi/fantasy.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2021


  • 12s do make sense in Healthcare where every handoff is an opportunity to miss important information. For instance if you forget to mention all the specifics of all your patients injuries after a car wreck, the next nurse might not realize their sinuses are cracked and just go ahead and insert that nasogastric feeding tube into their brain.

    3 handoffs a day instead of 2 is 1.5 as many chances to make an error like that.

    That said, 2x12s a week instead of 3 sounds lovely.

  • This is it 500%.

    They needed to give people something to fight about.

    I’m not even sure if I’m trans and I’m already prepping to fight people for my own existence because I know somebody somewhere needs to make my body evil so other people stop asking why they take all the money.

    Fighting the moral existence of me and my body are just the next excuse for why you should give somebody who already has more money than God even more power and control (usually in the way of money).

    Gotta fight me. How dare I not want to have the tits or uterus that grew on me. And to stop me from doing that you just have to give this other dude more money and more legislative control. You just have to stop asking for fair wages or safe working environments. Give this rando the power to tell you you’re a stupid poor who deserves to toil in pain and misery and he’ll save you from the fact that I just kinda personally don’t like having tiddies.

    And the absolute bestest way to tell people I’m evil? Tell them I’ll tell their kids their bodies aren’t evil. Because that’s the truth. If some kid asks me if it’s ok that they don’t wanna have tits I’ll tell them that’s fine. And the ONLY thing worse than my body being evil is me telling your kid it’s ok for their body to be evil too.

    It doesn’t matter that I’ll tell them to experiment with non-permanent things first and get their head on straight before they decide their body ain’t right. It doesn’t matter that I’ll ask them to examine their viewpoints on what gender even means before they make that decision. Hell I’d even tell a kid to make sure they’re not mistaking fat-shame for gender dysphoria. I would literally tell them to evaluate any other option before permanent body modification.

    But the people telling girls they aren’t skinny enough but also their tits aren’t big enough and boys they aren’t skinny enough but also their muscles aren’t big enough are totally NOT the problem here.