Do you mean that the app should render them in a special way? My Voyager isn’t doing anything.
Do you mean that the app should render them in a special way? My Voyager isn’t doing anything.
Are there actually people complaining that she’s ugly…? She literally looks like a model, just with some scars.
Curved relative to what?
Edit: Nvm, I understood what you mean. But I think it’s a pedantic take. They obviously mean it in the context of the surface of the sphere.
Down here, salt is a way of life.
I agree, research confirms that intra-species communication between animals and plants is real, though the term “communication” often does a lot of heavy-lifting in those studies. And while it’s possible that goats have some built-in pheromone message encoder for transmitting complex ideas, such as “Daaandelion = helth”, which we simply have not yet discovered, it is unlikely. At best, goats can demonstrate to other goats what to eat by example. However, even a solitary goat on a farm, one that has never seen other goats, will instinctively seek out specific plants when it’s deficient in certain nutrients. It doesn’t require a huge leap of faith to assume that this behavior extends to medicinal plants as well.
In other words, the goat doesn’t know that it needs to eat a certain plant; it feels like it needs to eat a certain plant.
This principle even applies to humans, as babies will often eat dirt if they have a calcium deficiency. Clearly, they were never taught to do this, neither by adults (hopefully) nor by other babies.
I don’t see how this is philosophical. One is an instinct, which is passed down genetically, and the other is knowledge, gained through experience. They are two distinct processes.
Oh, whew. That explains a lot.
Yeah, I know, but I’m not aware of any relation to Adam Driver.
Huh, didn’t know he looks like midpoint of a transformation from Nicolas Cage to Adam Driver.
You took my comment too seriously, it was just a joke.
But you also singled out Intel. Corporations aren’t heroes in general and AMD is also there. And EU is depicted as the villain, although it’s implied it’s the hero in the context of the meme.
I would argue that the meme has long lost that particular aspect of itself and the character alignment is ignored. In this instance, clearly indicated by Surtr being EU, while the context heavily implies that EU is the “hero”.
Who said anything about heroes? Villains sometimes want to stop other villains, too. In fact, probably often.
Yeah, seems like I’m wrong. I looked up the docs on git-scm.com and it says that the default branch name is “currently master, but this is subject to change in the future”. Maybe GitHub threw me off.
Depends on your version of git, I believe.
Chevrolet of Watsonville is probably geo-locked, too.
But for real, it’s probably GPT-3.5, which is free anyway.
The environments and models are kinda nice, but animation and gameplay are super jank. This runs on Unreal Engine, btw.
I’ve already tried it. It plays like a fan project cobbled together by 2 people, with just enough effort to show it off for a couple of days before it’s taken down by a copyright strike.
Do not recommend.
I was confused about the amount of upvotes, until I saw this was on .ml