Also the first president to face 91 criminal charges. What in the ever-loving hell is your point?
Also the first president to face 91 criminal charges. What in the ever-loving hell is your point?
They had a good shot until the Russian government took over US Congress.
Unless they’re apologizing for their failures or resigning in shame, why even include comments from politicians like Grassley and Nunn? They’ve already told us they’re not interested or involved in such matters.
Op-Ed’s are just that: Opinions and Editorials. In traditional print journalism, they usually included informed opinion pieces from the editor of the publication itself, or perhaps expert guest or syndicated columnists. Fringe opinions were only relegated to the “letters to the editor” public-forum subsections and not given much weight. Today it seems whoever types fastest gets the audience.
When the browser can’t perform its end of the deal? Certainly. I don’t blame Netflix for no longer supporting IE5, either.