Transporter Room 3

Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • This is the one thing that blows my mind with all the “voting doesn’t matter” folks…

    If it didn’t matter, then why do so many people try to limit who can vote, how you vote, when you vote, who is allowed to be voted on, where you can vote, your voting rights in general, or just plain outright trying to stop you from voting altogether.

    And the people going around parroting that voting doesn’t matter are either accomplices who also want to prevent you from voting, or USEFUL IDIOTS who genuinely are too dumb to realize that voting does in fact work. (also people who say voting doesn’t matter have clearly never voted in a local election)

  • I have a friend who works for a local, but widespread bank, and got to head up their digital security and IT stuff. Not sure what all it encompasses, but he quickly found out that it was a lot, and the previous guy quit because he had had enough bullshit.

    Long story shorter, after a particularly bad week, he decided to just… Stop doing his job.

    Kept all their legal stuff and sensitive info under lock and key, but the smaller stuff, he just let it go. Went on vacation, turned everything off, didn’t do everything for a temporary replacement (which isn’t even his job, it’s hr’s) and spent a week playing video games and spending time with his wife and baby.

    Several employees just in his building basically ended up doing nothing by the end of the first day because they had locked themselves out of the system.

    By day 3 there were several lines that couldn’t be used by the tellers in every branch, older employees were bricking their systems so fast, construction workers started taking notes.

    By the end of the week they had people showing up at his door to try and contact him since nobody could get ahold of him. Some legit thought he was dead.

    His first words when he got into the office on Monday, we’re “THAT is why you pay me.”

    And after that, he was given 3 people to help out (he had been asking for 4) and they had a company come in and redo a lot of the computer systems that year.

    Still works for the bank, still has a team although I think they’re bigger now since they’ve opened a few more branches, and still tells that story at every gathering after his one single beer gets him tipsy.

    Is it just me, or do programmers only come in “lightweight” and “Rivals Þor in trying to drink the oceans dry” varieties?