Would be real nice if this supposed Omni benevolent god came down here and kicked the shit out of his misbehaving kids. You know, like a parent is supposed to do.
Would be real nice if this supposed Omni benevolent god came down here and kicked the shit out of his misbehaving kids. You know, like a parent is supposed to do.
Because it’s your fault you were born in a regime that kills anyone who tries to leave?
That’s some hot shit take there.
Disney would be in-fucking-sane to let go of an MCU Spidey. It would be like having X-men without Professor X, or removing some other staple hero. Spidey is far and away one of the most valuable singular heroes in the Marvel Universe, alongside Iron Man, Cap, and perhaps Wolverine, and each of those only truly became MASSIVELY popular after the movies. Spidey was already a juggernaut before that, in the comics world, and the Maguire movies.
No way do we not get another MCU spidey, whether it’s Holland or not.
If history teaches us anything, it’s that military coups are almost always a bad thing.
Except in this case it was less a sledgehammer and more a mirror.
Russia owns the skies and the sea currently, and the bridge is deep behind enemy lines, close to Russia. It’s honestly very impressive they were able to damage it a second time.
So are their guns.
Quite the existential crisis one would think.
Would it not be wise to back up to more modern physical media as well, i.e. an external hard drive or at least a USB drive or heck, even a folder on your computer? I would never ever trust any cloud-or-internet based service with being the sole backup for anything of personal value.
Would this make Atomic Blonde, Kill Bill, and other female lead action films, female power fantasies that must be shunned?