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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • OP is the OP not a commentor in this comment chain. I didn’t attack them, I pointed out that they’re wrong. It’s not my damn fault you guys follow junk science and yes go read other comments from here, people absolutely are attacking CICO with more junk science.

    I honestly don’t give a shit about my personality, this is a forum and I’m here to have honest factual discussions, not have people lie and twist facts to their own agendas. If you want that go to truth social or Facebook.

  • Yes we are discussing CICO, which you and a few others seem to be completely ignorant of.

    On top of that, no where has OP said anything about eating normally in his post. They have stated they wanted to know if the junk science they have been told is true or not. You coming into the topic and describing bunk science and acting like a climate denier, is exactly what I’m tired of seeing. It’s bullshit science you’re spewing and doesn’t actually help anyone.

  • Well… Is not a caveman theory… Is actually kind of a new topic in nutrition…

    Behavioral factors including physical activity and eating behaviors likely also play a role, specifically to prevent weight regain

    This paper is also not about the starvation theory, this is about fasting.

    This paper even address the first law of thermodymics, which you really do not seem to understad. Bodies do not use 100% of the energy in your food, the usaged percentage is variable and what is not use you just shit, conserving the 1st law.

    No where have I said that, I’ve literally pointed out multiple times now, that people who gain weight, don’t magically do so with less calories. You all continue to spew HAAS bullshit about how people can magically gain weight on less, as you do just in the next line here.

    And true, people go back to eat too much, but you can’t assure that 100% of the cases of weight regain after diet are coused because of that, there are:

    Yes…yes you can. Holy shit, you cannot create more mass from less. Again, I’m not the one that doesn’t understand physics here.


    Indeed, a recent scientific statement from the Endocrine Society concludes that “the answer to the question, ‘Is a calorie a calorie?’ is ‘yes.’”1 In other words, diets high in added sugar or other processed carbohydrates should have no special adverse effects upon metabolism or body composition, after considering total calorie consumption.

    Are you even reading the papers your linking here?

    This is quite the hot topics between nutrition experts, but I’m guessing you already know that, since your seem to belive to already have analysed all possible information about this ultra-complex topic.

    There is only one way to gain weight, eat more than your body needs. This is not rocket science and all studies you have linked so far point this out. None of them have stated in any way, that people eating less than their bodies need magically gain weight.

    Yes, CICO works most of the time if you count well enough, but there are somw cases where your hormones will just fuck you over.

    No, thats still eating to much.

    I really can’t tell if you’re trolling or if you reaaaaaaallyyyyy think you know what the 1st law actually means but are not capable enough to see that open systems are not bound by it in the way you think they are.

    I… don’t know if you’re trolling either at this point, you clearly don’t understand any of the articles or papers on this topic. Thermodynamics is not going to magically change because you think you’re body is somehow different because you gained weight.

    https://bookdown.org/asvn90/Understanding-Thermodynamics/the-first-law-for-open-systems.html Take a look at chapter 5.2, it explains how the 1st law applies to open systems -like your body, in case you don’t get why I am talking about open systems-

    What’s with you all thinking I believe that your body is %100 effective at using calories…the fuck is with you.

    You can shit more or less, depending on how your body process food. I hope that one is simple enough for you.

    Yes, totally, that’s why people get fat, because they can’t shit like skinny people.

    Fucking stop. CICO is physics, you’re eating to much if you’re gaining weight. PERIOD.

    Also: maybe is easier to understand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPrjP4A_X4s

    Ah yes a YT video, is this one going to explain how I’m wrong…and that obesity comes from people eating “normal” and it’s not their fault that consuming 4.5k calories a day made them obese…

    I feel like I’m arguing with a climate denier.

  • So first off, I don’t think you should bring the laws of physics into conversations of how human bodies store fat. I know it’s tempting - I’ve been there before - but it’s just too reductive to be useful in the conversation, and it leads to generally poor conclusions.

    Are you suggesting our bodies are more efficient and break thermodynamics?

    While it’s true that energy cannot be ‘conjured from nothing’ - human bodies don’t quite work on a fixed energy in/out model. They can be variably efficient in how much energy is required to perform certain tasks, and secondary systems can be turned off when the need to conserve energy becomes apparent (leptin is the signaling mechanism for this).

    What secondary systems get turned off? You’re body is going to utilize energy anyway it can if it needs it, if it doesn’t it stores it, usually in the form of fat.

    The main mechanisms that cause rebound weight gain after sharp dieting is a reduction in passive energy needs stemming from the change in leptin levels, along with leptins very strong effect on appetite.

    No it’s from eating way more calories…this is literally junk science your parroting here. The rebound in weight is because someone decides to stuff themselves again.

    I suggest to you, and anyone still under the impression that CICO is a useful model for understanding human metabolism, to read the book The Hungry Brain. It’s hugely useful for gaining greater insight into the subject.

    That book is about the psychology of overeating.

    Hell here is a quote from his AMA:

    There are many ways to lose weight, but they all involve either eating fewer calories or burning more.
