lol, you couldn’t make it one sentence without randomly bringing Trump into this. Are you scared RFK is gonna make you illegal? I’m not reading the rest of that, go touch grass
lol, you couldn’t make it one sentence without randomly bringing Trump into this. Are you scared RFK is gonna make you illegal? I’m not reading the rest of that, go touch grass
🤓 nobody was talking to you, chief
🤓 You sure like spotting things, granny
Please share with the class why this comment made you think of terrorism, my totally healthy and mentally sound educated man
No one gives a fuck about “the points”, when are you people going to figure that out? You are the ones harming people by trying to dismiss necessary behavioral changes and real advice because there are technically other factors that you can back up with OODLES OF PEER-REVIEWED STUDIES, HOW CAN YOU INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE LIKE THIS??? No one cares what you studied while knocking out gen ed requirements, get over yourself.
You’re not in high school debate class anymore, you’re among people seeking and sharing knowledge that can be of actual use to them. If you’re gonna pretend you’re in someone’s corner and shield them from a false sense of blame, and then REFUSE to discuss actual, meaningful solutions, you are utterly worthless in spaces like this.
I’m sorry you guys are getting so much pushback here, lol. I was hoping Lemmy would have less… “Reddit” problems, but the number of dislikes and comments here tells me there’s still a LOT of pedantic, self-deluded, minimally educated, credential-worshiping fatties in denial within our community. It’s too bad so many give in to their emotions without practicing REAL rationality these days, it sounds like both Lemmy AND these people could really benefit from that ability.
😅 Oh man, that’s my bad. I’m so used to Reddit that I was positive I knew what kind of post this was. I still maintain my point, but that was a stupid reaction on my part