As someone who isn’t an immortal Highlander, this works.
I started writing up a summary myself, but I started to realize it was looking like a college term paper and this summarizes it much better lol.
He looks like a crazy zombified, Tom Selleck.
Vive la révolution. 🏴☠️
No problem, I’m not exactly a fan of the cloud myself, but it’s being forced on us. It feels a bit like a fad, but I still store everything on secondary storage.
Looked up 2 of them, seems like they are settings and files, stored on Googles servers, but encrypted by the time it reaches Google.
Short of someone with a quantum computer, I doubt anyone will decrypt them, along with the billions of other user files out there. Suffice to say, don’t store/link anything sensitive if you’re worried.
Blocking might just break features, but be wary to see what’s broken based on what’s disabled and see if it can just be manually disabled in settings first.
They ruin everything they touch. By now the OP’s name and particulars have been fed into every laptop, desktop, mainframe and supermarket scanner that collectively makes up the global information conspiracy. Otherwise known as, “The Beast.”
The Super Bowl was pre-taped four months ago in the same Nevada hangar where they faked the moon landing.