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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • As an additional point; “weird” isn’t a slur. A slur is an expression where the very words themselves are considered obscene - a slur is offensive, even when it is used to describe someone or something according to its strict definition.

    There is no context where describing someone as a “removed” or a “retard” isn’t offensive. “Weird” isn’t like that, as you’ve pointed out - it’s being used as a simple insult, and it’s persistent because it seems to really annoy the people it is directed at

    Edit: to further my point, one of my examples is so objectionable that it was automatically filtered from my post

  • If you are talking about nation state leaders, I’m struggling to think of one where they don’t just end up getting replaced with someone similar - Putin turning to magic dust doesn’t suddenly dismantle the structure that allows for a dictator, so another dictator will slide into the void. Same with Trump - American politics doesn’t stop being insane just cos he’s not around, and now that people know/think that a politician of his style can win, there will be a queue to cynical imitators ready to go.

    I’m less familiar with Indian politics, but I don’t think the BJP suddenly loses its power if Modi disappeared. Israel will still have it’s hard right nationalist core without Netanyahu. North Korea will find another Kim.

    I guess my thesis is “focus on systems, not people”

  • Typically you won’t have real people harvesting emails for sale - it’s much easier to get addresses in bulk by hacking services and dumping their databases - and you get password hashes as well, which makes it a much better value proposition for the time it takes.

    Off the top of my head, a couple of things that it could be:

    • Simple stolen card fraud - buy something small with a stolen credit card to prove it works before using it for a higher value purchase. Something where you don’t need to worry about a physical product getting delivered somewhere would be great for this
    • Escrow fee fraud - commission something small, then use that as a hook to promise a much larger commission, except that they want to use some off-site service to “reduce the fees”, then “oops the money has been flagged as maybe fraudulent and you need to pay a fee to get it released”
    • Money mule recruitment - again, small commission (using a stolen card) to establish a relationship, then come to you with a great job opportunity where they will send you some money via western union or something, and all you need to do is send it on to someone else, and you get to keep a cut. The catch is you are actually handing stolen funds or helping someone evade international sanctions, and you end up in prison

  • For anything that is related to my backup scheme, it’s printed out hard copy, put in an envelope in a fire safe in my house. I can tell you from experience there is nothing more stressful than “oh fuck I need my backups but the key to unlock the backups is in the backups fuck fuck fuck”.

    And for future reference, anyone thinking about breaking into my house to get access to my backups just DM me, I’m sure we can come to an arrangement that’s less hassle for both of us

  • I think there are few overlapping things here that are probably worth pulling apart. Keep in mind that all of these are spectrums, some people might experience these acutely, others mildly, others not at all.

    • Gender non-comformance: having a preference for activities that are typically ascribed to or preferring to appear as the gender opposite to the one you present as - men who like wearing dresses and sewing, women who prefer having short cropped hair and playing rugby
    • Transgender - a feeling that your sex (your biology) does not match up with your gender (do you consider yourself to be a man or a woman?). Gender is a really complex thing and is pretty strongly informed by society - what were you taught “man” and “woman” means beyond just sex. For some people this disconnect can be dysphoric, and it quite often overlaps with gender non-comformance
    • Transition - changing your gender presentation to be different from your sex. This can be small things - changing your hair style - to large changes such as getting legal recognition for a new name and gender identity or seeking medical interventions.

    I guess my point is that there are plenty of people who engage in small non-conformances or who feel like their experience of being man doesn’t 100% line up with how society perceives men, and that’s valid, and is a trans experience, but doesn’t mean that they do or should feel like “trans” is a label or identity that applies to them. In the same way that you can understand that you are a little bit bi, without that being a significant part of your identity

  • I was in the same place as you a few years ago - I liked swarm, and was a bit intimidated by kubernetes - so I’d encourage you to take a stab at kubernetes. Everything you like about swam kubernetes does better, and tools like k3s make it super simple to get set up. There _is& a learning curve, but I’d say it’s worth it. Swarm is more or less a dead end tech at this point, and there are a lot more resources about kubernetes out there.