Prethoryn Overmind


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I don’t really think this is a fair question no matter how you look at something or what you support.

    The question he is asking is fair and this commenter genuinely once an answer to avoid the assumption which and then spin into misinformation about a subject.

    It’s not about giving benefit of the doubt its about asking for a valid claim. I don’t support book banning and I hate this guy but I also hate Trump but I wouldn’t want the current case to something of the opposite stance based on the way you are thinking.

    Imagine if Trump was not given the benefit of the doubt and we got something factually wrong about his case. That creates room for an appeal. Same goes if Biden was on that stand.

    Asking for something to support a claim is asking for something to support a fact not an opinion. The commenter is well within their rights to ask for information to support a claim not giving Bill the benefit of the doubt.

  • Because you create fear of those monsters that don’t exist by blowing up the image of those monsters to divert the monsters that exist within your own belief system.

    “Trans people are the problem with pedophilia.” You do that to those you have indoctrinated, young people with no mind of their own, and people who statistically fall into a category of superstition and believing in figments of their imagination, Big Foot, Aliens, God and you fuel that fire with hate with things like, "the atheists want our voices to go unheard so we should kill your friendly woke white woman that supports your friendly neighborhood poorly mistreated and culturally shit on Blackman/woman. You fuel that with hate until the minority becomes the target in your political and religious agenda to spread, “love in the name of Jesus Christ, or whatever religion is popular.” Because if the enemy is justified by your power and money and beliefs then the mass takes to ignoring the issues within your own system of power and money.

    So you tell your party or system, “be afraid because if we don’t target them first. They will target you, your guns, your wealth, your god, everything you believe. Everything you have to abuse the power you have now.” You do it because it keeps you in power.

    Fuck cons and fuck republicans and if you are reading this and going, “uh why I never…” Then you are a port of the problem. As yourself when is the last time someone who supported the color of the rainbow truly targeted you or your children. The answer is that person is more likely to be killed by you or your affiliates and so the answer is probably never. Now as yourself the last time someone who supports the confederate flag ran over a group of protestors. Fuck you too if you believe trans people, black people, or anyone that doesn’t believe in your saving God and political party is the problem because a woman should have a right to an abortion and you think your voice is going unheard when there is no law that says if you keep your kid you are against the law. Fuck you if you just support in killing as many people as possible but your answer is, “we should support our own first.” But you will complain about your taxes that supports a fuck ton of military power in the country but you don’t want to use it to protect others but are fine with fueling the weapons we have to protect our own and more.

    Fuck you if you if any of this pisses you off because you just can’t face the fact that your politics and God don’t love. They hate. Fuck you and the white ass elephant you road in on and refuse to acknowledge in the room.

  • I would be curious to know if the caffeine content is listed by Panera just for the sake of being curious. They could actually make an argument in court stating she should have seen the caffeine content at the time ordering.

    I think the next argument to be made is that the caffeine content is for consumers without those conditions. They could simply state, “how could the company have known, because our beverages and the contents of caffeine are risky as is.”

    I would like to know how much God damned caffeine has to be in something to cause someone like this to die. That is wild to me. I mean I wouldn’t drink more than one Red Bull in a day and things like 5-Hour Energy legit made me paranoid and gave me the shakes. I know where my body tolerance is.

    I think I would be curious to know if the risks were posted or rather the caffeine content was posted. Most people with peanut allergies are not peanut experts but they stay aware of not being able to eat things deep fried in peanuts.

    What has happened to her is really sad it’s not a question of whether she is collateral damage. It is a question of whether legally companies like Panera are posting warnings and caffeine content listings. I would also like to know if this is an employee mistake. Did someone accidentally over caffeinate the beverage.

    Lots of questions here. I feel sorry for the family and it is unfortunate small things like this can kill a person. It makes you realize how small life can be and how vulnerable we are. I do feel like there is a responsibility on both parties sides but her responsibility is asking whether she knew the amount of caffeine content. Their responsibility would be determining whether that caffeine content was visible and there for her to see or even hear at the time of purchase or whether warnings should be posted by caffeine the same as they are posted by a boiling drink or food or whether something contains, nuts or eggs, etc. Additionally, should they legally be allowed to sell something with that amount of caffeine.

  • Yeah, except it gets more complicated than that. Google wouldn’t necessarily be promoting it either. As their algorithm looks for popular searches. Terrorism seems to be an overly used word for comparing protests to terrorism.

    As an example, I live in a pretty red state. I would consider my self democrat/liberal in this state. When the George Floyd protests were happening a lot of people in my state were referring to the non-protest raids as terrorism. Despite the fact they will all defend the very clear terrorism on the capital as an attempt to save the U.S.

    Point being you take the word protest and terrorism. You set it side by side as an exaggeration for literally anything half the the country disagrees with and boom you get popular terrorists searches.

    I also don’t think Google isn’t at fault since their algorithm is designed to continue feeding that kind of content and the deeper you go the more ingrained into content you get and the more insane it gets.

  • I am an Android user but this comment should be taken very lightly. As this is not the cause the truth is that Apple is at fault here for still using SMS as the default messaging protocol. However, with that being said, SMS breaks messages on iPhone and the devices have been geared towards iPhone users in away that makes it seem like Android is the issue with image quality and texting. The marketing is excellent on Apple’s end towards the competition and it is working.

    However, that doesn’t mean iPhone isn’t the problem. I have a sibling who got bullied for having an iPhone. Apple’s answer to these problems is just, “get an iPhone.” This is equivalent to, “can’t figure it out? Just Google it.” The problem with this mentality is it gives more power to monopolizing platforms. Apple is a growing giant and if they had their way you would just have an iPhone and if Apple has expressed anything in the past 8 years it’s that they aren’t exactly the innovators with mobile devices anymore. To me the problem is on an iPhone nothing would change.

    A little irrelevant rant but my point is that the average iPhone consumer has been given a marketing ploy so it is a deal breaker because they think it is an issue and in all fairness it is one but only Google is trying to fix. Issue is that Google should have tried to fix it years ago. You can’t blame iPhone users for wanting to use other platforms to message you if your message is compressed heavily by Apple’s shitty and stupid fucking decision to keep using SMS to control the market. The care about user experience is overshadowed by the desire to use that as a means to make money off of a user that doesn’t understand messaging protocols. Fuck Apple.