No that’s Mark Harmon. He does have a similarly bad haircut, but this guy looks a bit more like Dustin Hoffman. Another alleged weirdo, I believe, but luckily for Mike, he’s neither of them. Just a dude with some kittens, I think.
No that’s Mark Harmon. He does have a similarly bad haircut, but this guy looks a bit more like Dustin Hoffman. Another alleged weirdo, I believe, but luckily for Mike, he’s neither of them. Just a dude with some kittens, I think.
Yes! He was so right about it all.
I think I’d take a few years and destroy all the “grass” lawns in the country, replacing them with native plants that don’t need manual watering or chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Then I’d destroy a lot of vehicle infrastructure and replace it with high-speed train, bike, and pedestrian infrastructure. Then I’d probably just jerk off and go to concerts for the rest of my life.
Why wouldn’t they make the whole thing red?
Because money
Yeah, you just have to survive it the first time.
I like how indulging extrovertism is a drug fix, but indulging introvertism is just normal. Even though we’re scientifically social animals…
We like it
You sound like a shitty teammate
He hates not getting elected president, maybe she should spend it on that.
Maybe the guy gave her a cashmere sweater with a red spot on it…
Just stop licking the bathroom ceiling.
I mean, Israel is literally right next to it, it would almost certainly make parts of their own country unlivable. Nothing they do seems to be based on logic or morality in any way though, so it’s not that surprising.
If it’s a business, why don’t they pay taxes?
They don’t believe transexuals exist.
Good riddance.
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Your dad’s hair is better than Mark Harmon’s, I’m sure he’s less creepy too.