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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • At least for me, it does. It got so bad that watching a Twitch stream caused my phone to overheat to the point of freezing up and turning off. In comparison, the offical Twitch app doesn’t cause the same issue, neither does Brave. Watching YouTube on Firefox drains the battery basically 2% per minute. OK, my phone is older and runs a custom rom, but other apps run flawlessly.

  • Unfortunatly this wasn’t Android exclusive. The Firefox Android App sucked ass in the past and will probably suck ass for the foreseeable future. There are currently multiple support and Reddit threads going about insane battery drain and heat build-up caused by the Firefox App (even when suspended and battery optimized). The UI is barebones and lacks basic features like closing tabs from the navigation bar or opening new tabs by scrolling left on the rightmost tab. Even something as simple as having actual tabs akin to the desktop version is not present, instead you have a tab list or grid view that barely manages to load previews for each open website. The native video player also hasn’t been touched in a literal decade.

    All in all Firefox Android is a horrible experience that has only the ability to use extensions going for it.

  • This is why I feel like the whole “body positivity” movement is a god damn joke. It’s mostly about women who love munching cake more than having unclogged arteries. In the last decade we got so many shows and movies where the characters can be morbidly obese and everybody should praise them for their bravery. We got even plus sized manikins in stores, wow.

    But I dare you to name a single character from a show or movie that is skinny (not jacked skinny, but skinny skinny) that isn’t a crackhead junkie, some psycho or a basement dweller with his eyes glued to a screen?

    Hell, just name a Hollywood actor that is skinny?

    I know one, DJ Qualms, who’s arguably most famous role is a disabled person. Great.

    I really don’t blame women for not preferring skinny guys, I blame Hollywood for 3 decades of horrible PR.

  • There are only a few things that will make me buy a game without a second thought.

    • a game by Capcom,
    • a game by Kojima,
    • “Overwhelmingly Positive” reviews on Steam,
    • a Bundle with the game and all DLCs for under $10,
    • a game with a notoriously large modding community,
    • a game that a friend what’s to play in coop.

    That’s about it, everything else is pirate first and if it’s actually something I’ll play I buy the game for real. I’m 400+ games deep in my Steam library of which I have maybe 20 actually completed and 5 that I regularly play. That’s literally thousands of dollars down the drain.

  • Do you think everybody works on a game pro bono until it releases and makes a profit? Artists and Devs are all either commissioned or salaried employees. By the time the game releases everybody who put in any effort has long been paid. You’re effectively stealing management bonuses, shareholder dividends and most importantly the budget for a sequel or longterm support.

  • I don’t think you understand what chaos in terms of gameplay means. Chaos comes from unpredictability. On maps like shipment unpredictably goes out the window.

    “What’s gonna happen if I round this corner?” “Prefiring” “What’s gonna happen if I stay in this spot?” “Grenades.” “What’s gonna happen if I rush?” “Spawnflip”

    That’s it, there’s all there is to this map. That’s no chaos that’s pretty much as deterministic as it gets. What people mean by chaos is “If I 5 kills, I chain killstreak and big number on scoreboard.”

  • I can only speculate on why but speaking from over a decade of experience, leave it to the respective gaming communities to always pick the worst, most uninspired maps every time.

    I think it has something to do with the saying in game development “Given enough time players will distill the fun out if every game.”.

    If a map gets you kills fast it will be always picked above anything else. It doesn’t even have to be a guarantee, the prospect alone for getting a high kill count is enough. This results in either very small maps being favored (Nuketown, Shipment) or maps with critical chokepoints (Operation Locker (BF4), Metro (BF3,BF4)), Fort de Vaux (BF1)). Also maps that allow for cheap non-counterable tactics to get kills like Base Rape (Suez (BF1)), Vehicle Camping (Golmund (BF4)), Spawn Camping (Piccadilly, (MW2019)), etc…

    Generally, every map that rewards unsportsmanlike behavior will be a community favorite.

    If I ever were to release a video game I would never allow for map voting. As a player, I’d rather play maps that I dislike every once in a while instead the same 5 maps every time. And as a developer, why should I bother to invests tens of thousands of dollars to make a DLC with maps, if they are never going to be played anyway. The cherry on top is, the community still has the audacity to complain if a DLC has less maps than the last one, but then never play them anyway.

  • A lot of people talk about straightness and flatness as mathematical concepts. But I think OP means it in a technical sense, as in flat like your phone screen or straight as the edges of the screen but in nature. In this sense, flatness or straightness is defined as a finite number of measured points on a surface of which the coordinates all lie between 2 mathematicaly flat/straight parallel tolerance planes/lines. By that definition, depending on what a person would consider flat, say 0.002 mm between the planes/lines, there are definetly naturally occurring crystals that would pass that test.