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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023

  • “Creating art for yourself is a fiction. Doing nearly anything for yourself is a fiction. As much as some feel they prefer to be alone, noone lives in a bubble.”

    Damn man, your life must suck if you do absolutely nothing for yourself, I dont really have anything else to respond to this with

    "When you talk about barriers to entry for art, you really mean high quality art. "

    I absolutely do not, most forms of art takes a shitload of hours invested to start producing anything that doesnt look like absolute garbage, the high quality stuff takes YEARS of investment yes, but even passable quality stuff takes a considerable time investment.

    “The barriers to making art have been incredibly low for all of human history if you really are talking purely about the cost to begin making art.”

    Which costs are you talking about? Because as I just said, the time costs are huge

    “It seems to me you would find it easier to work on your perspective that prevents you from enduring the failure required to learn high quality art than to advise we steal all art globally and historically, combine it into a program using the energy of a large nation, and present it to you at your home over the internet.”

    Ah there we go, twisting the wording to make the other side look bad morally. Nothing any of you have brought up I would classify as stealing. Thankfully, since I AM producing my art for myself, I could give a rats ass what people like you think since theres nothing you can do to stop me from making my art.

  • Kedly@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@programming.devGoogling
    2 months ago

    Once again, art means different things to different people. The process is important to some, but not to everyone. Being able to access creativity has never had fewer barriers to entry which means more people will find enjoyment in it instead of being put off by the previously inescapable barriers. Further, if your creating art for yourself, it shouldn’t matter if the market gets flooded and visibility gets harder. Those things are only important if you are looking to sell, and, well, welcome to capitalism.

  • Kedly@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@programming.devGoogling
    2 months ago

    Creativity isnt necessarily about skill level though, and while in the past you’ve NEEDED skill in order to fully access your creativity, as technology progresses that becomes less and less true. Different people get different things out of art and creativity, and for me, the final product is a huge part of the payoff for me, and before, for the type of art I like looking at, that would have required a multi year - lifetime investment in order to be able to achieve. Now, my skills in Photoshop alongside Stable Diffusion allow me to collage myself my costume designs in hours, which wasnt even possible for me to achieve previously. Similarly, this tech is likely to snag future people into an art path because they experience the joy of creativity enough that they then decide to learn the skills to bypass the limitations of Generative AI

  • Dude. Politics isnt all or nothing. Quebec gets far better treatment than the rest of the provinces because it has a national party that ONLY looks out for Quebecs interests, and once again, we have minority governments quite a bit of the time here in Canada, where the winning party HAS to play ball with the other parties because it doesnt control over 50% of the votes. The last Conservative government we had had to go to the lengths of shutting down the government ENTIRELY for a few weeks to avoid the NDP and Liberals from teaming up to get legislation passed without the conservatives. FPTP sucks, but our government has at least 3 valid parties to vote for any election season, 4 if you live in Quebec. You arent effectively voting for the party you hate more by voting for the party you actually want here, and again, all the NDP needs is to find a leader that had the charisma Jack Layton had and they’ll be a contender for actually winning a national election again. Even without that though they frequently win Provincial Elections and thus are the ones driving policy in those provinces

  • Ah ok, you have zero idea what you are talking about and are projecting American politics onto Canada. Canada has FPTP and Canada is not in anyway a 2 party country. The NDP and Bloc Quebecois have both had a very strong influence on our political landscape and just because our CURRENT government gives souch power to our two most powerful parties doesnt in anyway mean that the NDP gaining significant amount of power is an anomaly, as it has done so many times in the past

  • Once again, NDP has won Opposition before (which to those unfamiliar, means that it held more legislative power than all other parties aside from the one that won the election). It is a viable 3rd option and likely would have won the national election roughly a decade ago if Jack Layton hadnt died of cancer during his run.

    And because of how our legislature works, if the winning party wins by a minority (Less than 50% of legislative seats), the NDP can team up with the opposition to outpower the party that won and use that to attempt to get legislation that it wants pushed through as a compromise.

    TL:DR your last paragraph is false and only serves to entrench the 2 most powerful parties. Canadian 3rd parties are VASTLY more viable than American ones

  • "First Past The post voting artificially limits the number of political parties to two. "

    Kiiiind of, Canada has fptp as well and we have about 4.5ish competitive parties, Liberal Party, Conservative Party, NDP (“socialist” party), Bloc Quebecois (Quebec focussed party [used to be a sepratist party, but has evolved to just focus on getting more favourable policies for Quebec since separating has fallen out of favour in Quebec), and the .5 would be the Green Party. So we can vote against the main 2 without wasting our votes/effectively voting for the party we hate more. BUT the reason I said kinda is notice I said Main 2. NDP has won opposition a few times (2nd most voted for party nationally), but Only 2 parties have ever been the most voted for in an election, the Liberals and the Conservatives. (Bloc Quebecois has won the provincial government multiple times in Quebec, but obviously has never been a contender for national government)

    (Green is .5 because most people know about them, but to my knowledge they have never won even a provincial government, which the other 4 all have multiple times)

    Edit: Guess theres a bunch of Americans pissed that they cant blame how fucked their political system is just on FPTP