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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antihydrogen

    Anti hydrogen has been produced and detected in experiments. The energy transition levels are identical to normal hydrogen.

    In a newtonian view, two particles orbit the center of mass of the combined system. Since protons are 1836 times as massive as electrons, the “orbit” center would be very close to the proton. So it’s a bit like asking what would happen if we swapped the earth and sun. The orbits would change position, but the earth would still orbit the shared center inside the sun at the same orbital radius. So it would look essentially the same as it is currently, just with the center of the system having been shifted by one au.

    Clearly I’ve ignored all of quantum mechanics in this description, but the conclusion is the same. The nucleus and electron both have wavefunctions, but the mass difference makes the spread of the nucleus negligibly small compared to electron orbits. Swapping initial positions and momentum doesn’t really change the properties of the system.

  • Yeah, I have a hard time getting excited about a moderately more capable synchrotron and I have a Physics background. I’m not opposed to a larger synchroton, but I’m not confident that they’ll find anything particularly interesting like I was with the LHC.

    Personally, I’d like to see a bigger effort to develop high energy plasma Wakefield accelerators. I think they have the potential to work with a wider variety of particles and shouldn’t need months of pump down and cooling after any interruption. Plus minitiaturization of plasma accelerators have the potential to be disruptive for medical applications.

  • The people who bought homes at 3% interest rates are doing fairly ok. The increases in Healthcare, food, and utilities really suck but are mostly manageable if your housing cost is fixed.

    Until we see policy makers talking about how rent prices are outstripping any wage increases, a large portion of the population will continue to feel increasingly crushed and disenfranchised. Averages cease being useful measures when the difference between the budgeting with a fixed mortgage vs variable rent is so significant.

    Fortunately, I am in the first group, but had been renting for a long time before that. A lot of people I care about are still renters or stuck living with family. Even though I’m comfortable, I can’t take anyone seriously who says this economy is healthy without addressing the millions of people struggling to make ends meet.

    I really wish we’d see policy makers shift to measures of quality of life, including financial security, over raw economic metrics. Those metrics are even sometimes at odds to each other. For example, people fully owning durable homes and cars that don’t need much maintenance would increase their quality of life, but decrease measures of economic activity.