They aren’t: This is 100% state dependent. Some states have extremely permissive laws allowing you to carry anything from a switchblade to a greatsword if you want.
Before you ask, the accent varies based on diet.
They aren’t: This is 100% state dependent. Some states have extremely permissive laws allowing you to carry anything from a switchblade to a greatsword if you want.
I love how corporate handouts to already insanely wealthy companies are cool, but paying for shit like healthcare and housing for our own people gets decried as communism or some other silly bullshit.
It would be cheaper in the long run to fund initiatives like that (never mind it would be the Christian thing to do, despite opponents of such things loudly claiming to be Christians). Instead, we prop up corporations that get to privatize profits while the public often pays for their mistakes and losses.
Make money?
The live action show was excellent btw, worth a watch if you haven’t seen it.
The US is not a signatory to the ICC, is it?
In fact, I believe the planned response to such an arrest is to actually storm the Hague and retrieve the American.
Point is, I don’t think the US government is too worried about it.
Because the terms of the deal are predatory? China kinda has a history of that but correct me if I’m wrong here.
They’re probably Ghana regret that
Parody is protected under US law.
People can (and do) sue, but they lose every time because it’s easy for their well resourced corporate legal team to prove the show is (obviously) parody and thus, protected free speech.
Full story, the guy really is an awful piece of shit.
I don’t believe you.
Yup, that’s not too weird.
Try a different watch or adjust the haptics to make it vibrate less? Casio sells an inexpensive alarm watch that vibrates if you can’t dial the watch back.
Other countries doing bad shit does not make it OK: It’s all bad and everyone needs to cut this shit out collectively. Just because another country did something doesn’t mean another should be immune to criticism.
Weird, I got a message that it was removed for supposedly violating rule 1.
Anyhow, as I previously mentioned, the illegal fishing at a global scale is a fine place to start but let’s not pretend like China isn’t guilty of all the same environmental sins as the US. It’s bad when China does it, it’s bad when the US does it, nobody should use the excuse of, “Oh, well this country does it, so that magically makes it ok”
The US and China have both punished some companies, but there are plenty who went unpunished for some pretty egregious stuff in both countries (along with other countries, this is a global problem). Whataboutism doesn’t address the issue and neither country should be enabling the destruction of our environment.
They are not the only ones investing in renewable energy. It’s good that they are, but that does not undo the many environmental disasters they have created in the pursuit of greed. Before you bring up another country or corporation doing it, it should be noted that it’s wrong when anyone does it, full stop.
Wow, and the original comment was removed, nice censorship.
Removed by mod
Yes, get a mirrorless. I went from a Canon 7D to an R7 and I don’t regret it.
I liked them both pretty well but their styles are different so I could see a good chunk of people being fans of one but not the other.
30 Rock had excellent writing, I need to go back and give it another watch
When it becomes a direct mild inconvenience, people will be fed up, maybe.