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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2021


  • I wonder how many fucking numbers and letters they will keep adding over the fucking years.

    Numbers and letters over the years:

    “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”

    Galations 5:14

    “Be genial, sweet and kind towards your companions.”

    Mino-ī-Kherad, II.7

    “For my people are foolish; they know me not; they are stupid children; they have no understanding. They are ‘wise’—in doing evil! But how to do good they know not.”

    Jeremiah 4:22

  • Republicans have only themselves to blame. They repealed the FCC Fairness Doctrine in 1987 and the personal attack and political editorial rules in 2000, all so they could go after their political opponents with impunity.

    The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine did a lot of damage to political discourse, but it was nothing compared to Citizens United. That Supreme Court decision not only gave the right of free speech to corporations with no legal requirement to disclose their funding, but it also nullified the Federal Election Commission rules about broadcasting attack ads within a certain period of time before federal elections and primaries.

    Citizens United is a right-wing political group formed in 1988 to produce attack ads and “documentaries” attacking their political opponents. They made a documentary length attack ad about Hilary Clinton that they wanted to air in 2008, which was an election year, and Clinton had announced her candidacy in 2007.

    The Citizens United group knew that they wouldn’t be able to show their “documentary”, so they sued the FEC on the grounds that the rules were a violation of the free speech rights of corporations, a concept that had previously only been applicable to actual human individuals. And the conservative Supreme Court majority, made up of proud Constitutionalists agreed.

    FYI, corporations do not appear in the Constitution, and Jefferson had this to say:

    I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.

    And the final turd on top of the shit sandwich Trump will be eating soon: the President of Citizens United resigned in 2016…to become Trump’s deputy campaign manager.

  • You may want to give it another shot. They’ve been working pretty hard to move away from config files - much more is done via the GUI these days to make things more user-friendly.

    The devs have also really been focusing on voice this year as well - it’s been really interesting to see what they come up with. A few releases back, they released an update that allows you to give voice commands to HA via a landline phone hooked up to a $30 VoIP box. There is also support now for Espressif’s new “S3-Box” devices, which have small screens, a speaker and a few microphones for under $50 - this does require messing with yaml files at this point, but I should be able to finally ditch my Echos soon!

  • You can easily have a smart home without any data leaving your home network.

    You need three things:

    • Home Assistant software (free and open source)
    • ZigBee (also free and open source) smart devices made by companies that comply with the ZigBee protocol
    • Most importantly, a ZigBee controller.

    There are several options available (Deconz Conbee II, etc), and this device gets plugged into the same machine Home Assistant is on, and it allows HA to control your ZigBee devices directly. No “hub” sending your data to a cloud server, everything is done on your local network. If the devices comply with the protocol, you don’t need their hub, even if they say it’s required.

    I use Hue bulbs, but have no Hue hub. I use many Aqara devices, but don’t have an Aqara hub. It’s pretty great and works very well!

  • Unfortunately not, it applies to all clusters. A quorum requires at least 2 votes, which means 2 nodes. But if one node goes down, you only have 1 vote, and the cluster will go into read-only mode, which means you’ll lose the GUI and the ability to manage your nodes:

    When your cluster is non-quorate (so at least half of all nodes are dead), the remaining nodes will change the PVE management into read-only mode. Because of that you will no longer be able to change and manage your VMs and containers and will also not be able to log into the GUI. This is done to avoid cluster split-brain problems in which they run into inconsistent states. (Source)

    But if you have a device that will supply a vote in the event that one of the two votes is unavailable, the cluster will continue to function with a single node, which will allow you to use the normal Proxmox tools and interfaces to diagnose the problem, while also keeping any VMs on the single remaining node up and running (available).

    Here is a Proxmox employee explaining it a bit more clearly than the official documentation:

    … a cluster needs to be always quorate to work properly, not just for HA. High availability just means that the cluster will try to keep your HA-enabled VMs and containers always available, i.e. if a cluster node fails the HA-manager will launch HA-managed guests on another cluster node.

    While a 2 node cluster should work with 2 active nodes, if one of your nodes goes down your cluster will automatically be non-quorate and will no longer work as expected. To have quorum in your cluster, you need a setup of at least 3 nodes, though you do not need 3 full Proxmox installations … you can setup something like a Raspberry Pi as a QDevice for external vote support.
